IT WAS ALL A BIG LIE: Congress Was Evacuated on Jan. 6 Due to Pipe Bomb Threat — Not Because of Trump Supporters Walking Halls

It was all a Big Lie.

Fellow Americans, Deplorable Patriots as well as you who have bought into the democrat machine misdirection, we have all been fed lies for months now. Wake up and refuse to be disenfranchised of your constitutional rights by the democrat socialist communist party takeover.

And you can see democrats and the media continue to push the lies. This from Jim Hoft on

It was never an insurrection. It was never an armed mob. It was a pipe bomb found outside the RNC on the day of the protests.

And they’ve never found the culprit. Funny how that works!

Hello, deep state!

The discovery of a pipe bomb outside the Republican National Committee headquarters in Washington on January 6th prompted police to evacuate two congressional buildings. This is what occurred, not as was propagated and investigated as an attack on the U.S. Capitol, senators heard Tuesday.

And it is no surprise you did not read or hear about this on the Left Stream Media. Read on:

U.S. Capitol Police learned of the discovery of two pipe bombs on Capitol Hill around the same time, just before 1 p.m. ET that Wednesday. Capitol Police responded to one bomb discovered by an RNC staff member at the organization’s office, just a few blocks from the Capitol.

Metropolitan Police Department officers responded to a second pipe bomb that was spotted outside the nearby Democratic National Committee headquarters.

Each department sent officers to respond, hurting the Capitol Police’s ability to secure the Capitol since MPD was called to the Capitol minutes after the bombs were discovered.

“That resulted in the evacuation of two congressional buildings, the Cannon House Office Building, as well as one of the Library of Congress buildings. So it took extensive resources,” then-Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund said in a joint hearing before the Senate Rules Committee and Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee Tuesday afternoon.

“So the assault on the Capitol is not what caused the evacuations of those buildings? The discovery of those pipe bombs is what caused the evacuations of those?” asked Republican Oklahoma Sen. James Lankford.

“That is correct,” said Sund.

WOW!   And yet the lies continue.

This took place during Senator Lankford’s questioning:

Click HERE to view Senate Homeland Security hearing Examining the January 6th Event.