Billionaires In Space Is The Least Impressive Thing Ever

Billionaire Elon Musk modified some old Russian rockets and shot one of his Tesla cars into space. Billionaire Richard Branson flew in a plane to the upper atmosphere for a couple of minutes, which was technically outer space. On Tuesday, billionaire Jeff Bezos will shoot himself in a penis-shaped rocket to the edge of space to float in micro gravity for a moment. 52 years after we put a man on the Moon, these billionaire space tourists are a step backwards in our quest to explore the universe.

In 1958, president Dwight D. Eisenhower created NASA with the expressed purpose of beating the crap out of the Soviet Union in the space race. 11 years later, the United States landed men on the moon and returned them safely to Earth. It was without question the most kick-ass achievement in the history of mankind.

The next logical steps in space exploration would have been to establish a human colony on the moon and to put men on Mars, but those things never happened. First, we got the underwhelming Spaces Shuttle program. At the time, I was under the impression that these Space Shuttles would be landing on the moon but it turned out they were just for flying into low Earth orbit to launch satellites and deliver crap to the equally unimpressive International Space Station.

In 2004, president George W. Bush announced a new space program to return man to the moon by 2020 and send a manned mission to Mars. Obviously, we haven’t come close to either of those things.

In 2011, White House occupier Barack Obama cancelled the Space Shuttle program. Ever since the Apollo lunar program was scrapped in the early 1970s, it seems like we’ve been moving backwards.

Speaking of which, here’s billionaire Richard Branson flying on an airplane into the upper atmosphere last week:

So he achieved what weather balloons have been doing since the 1940s? Or what the SR-71 Blackbird has been doing since the 1960s? Yawn.
And then there’s richest dude in the world, Jeff Bezos, who will shoot himself into low-Earth orbit on a rocket shaped like a penis on Tuesday:

Blue Origin is launching Jeff Bezos to space on Tuesday. Here is what you should know

On Tuesday, the company plans to send Jeff Bezos, his brother Mark, aerospace pioneer Wally Funk and Dutch teenager Oliver Daemen to the edge of space, to float in microgravity for a couple minutes, and return safely.

In 1961, cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin did the same thing. Replicating this feat 60 years later is the least impressive thing ever.

Keep in mind that when we put men on the Moon in 1969, we were using 1969 technology. Computers were as big as a house and had less processing power than your microwave. With the advancement of technology today, we should be able to reach all of the planets in our solar system. Instead, we have rich assholes playing space tourists to feed their egos.

Think about this: In 1906, the Wright Brothers became the first humans to achieve powered flight. 60 years after that, men were flying into space. It has been 60 years since the first man made it into space and we’re pretending like it’s a big deal that billionaires are doing it now. If these rich guys were geniuses like the lame stream media claims, they should be eating Mars bars on the Moon and moonwalking on Mars.