‘Fact-Checker’ Says Biden Doesn’t Want To Ban Handguns After Biden Says He Wants To Ban Handguns

During Joe Biden’s disastrous town hall this week, he was a mumbling meandering mess. The one thing however that he said clearly was that he intends to ban handguns. Because the liberal media is tasked with mop-up duty, “fact-checker” Politifact says that Biden’s own words don’t mean that he actually wants to ban handguns. The one time this guy forms a complete sentence and his liberal media propagandists take it away from him.

Biden was asked what he will do to reduce crime and instead of ranting about moon men and aliens, he gave an actual answer:

“The idea you need a weapon that can have the ability to fire 20, 30, 40, 50, 120 shots from that weapon, whe-whe-whe-whe-whether it’s a 9-millimeter pistol or whether it’s a rifle, is ridiculous. I’m continuing to push to eliminate the sale of those things,” said Biden.

Please note that Biden used the word “weapons” not “magazines. He also specifically said 9mm pistol, which is a handgun. In his first lucid moment in decades, he clearly stated that he is pushing to ban the sale of weapons, including handguns, that can fire 20 rounds or more,

Politifact however heard something different than what Biden actually said:

When President Joe Biden was asked in his Ohio town hall what he plans to do about rising homicides, House Republicans were quick to fire off a tweet to their followers.

“President Biden says he wants to ban handguns,” the House GOP account tweeted July 21.

The tweet included a video clip from the CNN town hall-style event where Biden was speaking. That clip doesn’t back up the GOP tweet, and the full transcript goes further to sink this claim.

Get ready for the spin of the century:

Those numbers Biden used apply to assault-style firearms and high-capacity magazines. As recently as June, when Biden rolled out his strategy to bring down murders, he said he wants to ban both.

Experts disagree over what is or isn’t an assault weapon. States set different thresholds for what qualifies as a high-capacity magazine.

But regardless of the definition, neither term includes all handguns.

The House Republicans never claimed Biden wants to ban all handguns, just that he wants to ban handguns. Politifact is actually admitting that Biden wants to ban some handguns.

Here’s the deal, he said he wants to ban handguns that can fire 20 rounds or more. That leaves revolvers in the safe column, but any detachable magazine-fed handgun is capable of firing any number of rounds. And again, Biden never used the words “high-capacity magazines” as Politifact claims.

After inadvertently proving that the House Republicans were right to say that Biden wants to ban handguns, the democratic party propaganda outlet made this ruling:

House Republicans said Biden wants to ban handguns. That is incorrect.

We rate this claim False.

Why did they capitalize “False?” Does that somehow distract from the fact that they are lying sacks of crap?

Most of what comes out of Biden’s mouth is gibberish or lies. The liberal media is contractually obligated to ignore the nonsense and spin the bullshit. The one time he actually tells the truth, in this case that he wants to ban handguns, they claim that’s not what he meant at all.

It should be concerning to everyone that 100% of Biden’s words cannot be accurately reported on by the media. It should also be concerning that the occupier of the White House says he wants to ban handguns.