EXPOSED: Nancy, Joe, & CDC are SCAMMING us with TRASH to prop up their COVID REGIME. Crenshaw, Greene say NOT SO FAST

AOC and Nancy Pelosi have used grandpa Joe’s blank stare to fleece America, and they enlisted the CDC to do it. This from

See these con artists want to get all that tax money (you know, like the money that Sinema told AOC she couldn’t have causing the bartender to have a cry) and use it to pay for their socialist BLM dreams of destroying real America and replacing it with Cuba II.

They see this “emergency” (remember the Obama regime’s motto ‘never let a good crisis go to waste’) as the perfect cover for their scheme.

So when people started really REALLY hating lockdowns, and Trump’s vaccine program proved to be a MASSIVE success, they had to find some new way to use the Fauci-approved Wuhan Lab China virus to pocket all that dough. Which go figure the CDC’s bulging eyes lady was happy to provide.


But they got TOO greedy. Nancy wanted the chance to exact petty vengeances on Republicans and forced the fake study that the CDC was using (to trick everyone into masks as preparation for the next lockdown) to be used by the House physician as an excuse to do more mandates in Congress so she could use it to bash Republicans who don’t want to play pandemic anymore.

Dan Crenshaw ain’t havin’ it.

And Marjorie Taylor Greene won’t play either.


But what are the odds this will be reported by the left stream media? Exactly. So that portion of the public that gets their news solely from the extreme left mouth pieces of the democrat communist party will continue to march lock step with this scandalous, asinine direction.