Friday Morning Breakfast For The Brain

Thank God it’s Friday!

Why Are Globalists and Governments so Desperate for 100% Vaccination Rates?

Via Alt-Market

I don’t think I am the only person that has noticed it – There has been a sudden deluge of covid vaccination propaganda and vaccine passport propaganda in the past month, more so than I think we have seen since the beginning of this year. I am speaking of the US in particular, but it is important to point out that in the US the establishment is still desperately clamoring for a much higher vaccination rate. In places like Europe, the UK and Australia vaccinations rates are higher and governments have moved on to the vaccine passport phase of their agenda.

Some people may be confused by the obvious lockstep that most nations are moving in as far as covid mandates and restrictions are concerned. How is it possible that almost all the governments on the planet are in agreement on medical totalitarianism? Well, it’s rather easy to understand when you realize the majority of them are linked together through globalists institutions like the World Economic Forum, which has repeatedly called the pandemic a “perfect opportunity” to push through their plans for a “Great Reset”.

The “Great Reset” is a long term ideological usurpation of what’s left of individual freedom and free market economies, and its goal is the imposition of a global socialist/communist dictatorship. Globalists wrap these objectives in pretty sounding words and humanitarian sounding aspirations, but at bottom the “Reset” is about an end to liberty as we know it. This is not an exaggeration, this is reality; this is what these people desire above all else. But how to achieve such a goal?

Well, interestingly enough the WEF and the Bill And Melinda Gates Foundation described exactly how they planned to do it during a “simulation” they held in October of 2019 called “Event 201”. During the event, they imagined a massive coronavirus pandemic, spread supposedly from animals to humans, which would facilitate the need for pervasive restrictions on individual liberties, national economies as well as the internet and social media. I’m sure it’s all a coincidence, but the exact same scenario the globalists at the WEF played out during Event 201 happened in the real world only two months later.

In any case, the pandemic itself has been a boon for the globalists. We have not seen a far reaching government power and corporate power grab since the rise of the National Socialists in Europe and the spread of communism in Russia and China almost a century ago. In fact, I would say that what humanity as a whole is facing today is much worse than what those wretched empires ever could have produced.

There is no doubt; globalist institutions and their government “partners” are the greatest beneficiaries of the covid crisis. They stand to gain ultimate social and political power if their agenda to exploit the pandemic succeeds.

That said, there a few hangups in their plan, and this is why I believe we are seeing an aggressive propaganda push in recent weeks. For example, as I outlined with extensive evidence in my article ‘Biden’s Vaccine Strike Force Plan Stinks Of Desperation’, it appears that the vaccination rate, especially in the US, is nowhere near as high as the elites would like.

While the Biden Administration and the CDC claims an overall vaccination rate of 67%, numerous other stats including the Mayo Clinics state map numbers indicate that only four states in the US actually have a vaccination rate over 65% (for one dose or more), and the majority of states have rates around 50% or less. Even large population blue states like California and New York are not above the 65% mark, and frankly, those numbers are going nowhere as vaccinations are dropping off a cliff.

If someone has not submitted by now with zero wait times and ample doses everywhere, then they are unlikely to ever be vaccinated.

Contradictory stats suggest to me that Biden and the CDC are inflating their vaccination numbers to create the illusion that a larger majority of Americans support the jab. And if this is the case, it explains why Biden, Fauci and the mainstream media are force feeding the public with pro-vaccine hype that consistently contradicts the real science. They are not getting the fear and public compliance that they had hoped for.

But why do they want 100% vaccination? Why are they so desperate for every single person in the world to get the mRNA jab?

After all, the average (IFR) death rate of covid is a mere 0.26% of those infected (this is a stat that the media consistently and deliberately refuses to mention to the public). This means that 99.7% of the public is in NO danger from covid whether they are vaccinated or not.

Do the vaccines ensure better odds? Well, according to recent statistics from Massachusetts, not necessarily, as they report over 5100 infections and 80 deaths of fully vaccinated patients. The media keeps telling us that only the unvaccinated are dying, but this is a lie, like so many other lies they have been peddling when it comes to covid. So, what’s the point of taking an experimental vaccine if the death rate of the virus is so low and the jab doesn’t necessarily protect you anyway?

There is no point. The science and the stats do not support it. The vaccines can’t even be credited with the decline in infections and deaths this year; the numbers plunged in January – Only 5% of the population was vaccinated by February. The only explanation for this is that the population hit herd immunity many months ago. Remember when governments said that they needed 70% herd immunity or vaccination to stop the lockdowns and mandates? The goalposts have been moves several times and the government “science” changes monthly. Now they claim herd immunity doesn’t matter and demand 100% vaccination.

We must ask the question again – Why the relentless government push for total vaccine saturation? It’s not saving lives, and the mandates remain regardless, so why?

I can only posit theories based on the evidence at hand, but I think it’s clear to most of us that the vaccines are NOT about public health nor are they about saving lives. They are obviously about something else… MORE.

If You Let COVID-19 Fearmongers Bridle You Again, You Learned Nothing From The Last Year

Via The Federalist

A real return to normal would mean giving up the power trip that came with telling an entire country how to live their lives.

Here we go again.

The Biden administration on Thursday suggested they’re considering demanding new lockdowns, business shutdowns, and school closures. Using the COVID-19 Delta variant as justification, the Biden administration’s Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reversed itself on Tuesday and told Americans that vaccination won’t save them from having to wear a mask again.

Wednesday morning, vaccinated White House staff were once again masking up. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi directed U.S. Capitol Police to arrest staff and visitors who don’t comply with her masks-for-all mandate.

With other cities surely to follow, Washington, D.C. will require everyone, vaccinated or not, to wear masks indoors starting Saturday. Los Angeles County was ahead of schedule, breaking with then-CDC guidance two weeks ago to require residents wear masks indoors regardless of vaccination status.

California is requiring state employees and even private health-care workers to either get the vaccine or endure weekly COVID-19 testing. New York is doing the same for state workers, and Biden announced a similar mandate for federal workers.

Mask mandates are back at the Department of Defense, CDC Director Rochelle Walensky has called vaccine passports “the way forward,” and CNN’s Don Lemon says you shouldn’t be able to go to work or even to the “supermarket” without getting the shot.

You didn’t think your ruling betters were finally beginning to recognize their hypocritical mandates and ineffective lockdowns weren’t helping, did you? Or that the COVID-19 vaccine, touted as a magical elixir to save us from our selfish, autonomy-loving selves, was going to make the power-grab go away?

“Fool me once, shame on you — fool me twice, shame on me,” the saying goes. Nearly a year and a half ago, when panicked politicians shut down the country in reaction to the spread of COVID-19, most of us gave them the benefit of the doubt. “Two weeks to stop the spread” wasn’t that long, right?

When two weeks turned into months (and in some states, more than a year!) some of us started pushing back and asking questions. If the point was to slow the spread until we better understood the virus and overwhelmed hospitals could equip themselves, why did we need to keep everyone locked down when nearly all hospitals were empty and we learned the virus was comparable to a bad flu for most age demographics?

Besides, lockdowns were wrecking the economy, and closed schools were putting millions of children behind for life. They weren’t keeping the virus contained, either, so why was anyone pretending they still helped? Meanwhile, Anthony Fauci and company promised little blue pieces of paper on our faces would protect us all, after telling us at the pandemic’s outset that they wouldn’t help and we shouldn’t wear them.

When vaccines became available, the rationale for going back to normal became even more obvious. People who wanted the vaccine could get it, and those who preferred to take their chances with COVID-19 should have been able to do so.

As soon as President Biden took office, oh, did the tone change. The new administration gleefully took credit for the vaccine developed under the Trump administration (which Biden and running mate Kamala Harris made a point to skeptically question during the campaign). The septuagenarian president was the harbinger of a return to normal, darn it, and talking heads popped champagne corks.

But a real return to normal would mean giving up the power trip that came with telling an entire country how to live, or not live, their lives, down to what they must wear and how they must breathe. So Biden, Pelosi, Democrat governors, and the unelected goons at the CDC want to send you into round two of senseless COVID-19 mandates. MORE.

US surgeon general recommends fully vaccinated people wear masks outdoors to protect the unvaccinated

Via The Blaze

U.S. Surgeon General Vivek Murthy is recommending that fully vaccinated individuals wear face masks outdoors to protect the unvaccinated. Murthy made the suggestion during an appearance on MSNBC, where he said fully vaccinated individuals wearing masks indoors and outdoors was an “extra step” of protection to unvaccinated people.

MSNBC anchor Andrea Mitchell asked Murthy about “breakthrough cases,” specifically the possibility of a fully vaccinated person being infected with COVID-19 and spreading the virus to unvaccinated individuals, such as young children or immunocompromised adults.

“So the people that we’re most concerned about are the unvaccinated,” Murthy responded to the question from the cable TV host. “For example, if you happen to have a lot of interaction with folks who are unvaccinated, let’s say you’re a parent like me who has young children at home who are not vaccinated, that’s a circumstance where we’re being extra cautious and wearing that mask even if you’re fully vaccinated, wearing it outside, when you’re in indoor public locations, is an extra step to protecting those at home.”

“I want to emphasize though that if you are vaccinated the likelihood of having a breakthrough infection is still low because, again, the vaccines are working to help prevent infection, particularly serious infection,” Murthy said Wednesday. “But in the unusual event that a breakthrough does happen, we know transmission can take place.”

“So that’s why, especially when you have a lot of virus circulating in a community, it’s important to take that extra step, go that extra mile, wear that mask in indoor settings, outside the house, so you don’t contribute to transmission,” the surgeon general said. MORE.

Sydney Sends In Military To Help Enforce Lockdown Amid Record Jump In COVID Cases

Via Zero Hedge

Despite being locked down for nearly a month now, Sydney has just reported a record one-day rise in local COVID cases on Thursday as public health authorities warned that the outbreak would likely worsen, inspiring them to once again turn to the Australian military for help.

According to Reuters, Sydney, Australia’s most populous city, has struggled to contain an outbreak of the highly infectious Delta variant with another economy-crippling lockdown. Instead, cases have continued to move higher, leading public health authorities to double down on their efforts to protect against a broader outbreak of the delta variant, believed to be far more infectious than other strains.

But that didn’t stop authorities from counting 239 locally transmitted cases in the past 24 hours, the biggest daily increase for Sydney since the pandemic began. We should note that Australia’s COVID issue has never really been all that bad: nationwide, the country of 26MM has counted fewer than 1,000 deaths since the start of the pandemic, a far lower rate.

“We can only assume that things are likely to get worse before they get better given the quantity of people infectious in the community,” said New South Wales Premier Gladys Berejiklian told reporters in Sydney.

Berejiklian said one more person had died from COVID-19, taking the death toll from the current outbreak to 13, while the national death toll rose to 921.

Unfortunately for Berejiklian, who has emerged as a kind of villain for the small business owners and restaurateurs who fear they’re about to be crushed by a “double dip” recession, the Australian military is probably better at twerking than fighting viruses.

But that won’t stop her from calling in the military to help enforce an even more restrictive lockdown that will now be imposed on the southern and

With little sign that recent restrictions are reducing case numbers, Berejiklian said new curbs would be imposed on the southwestern and western parts of Sydney where the majority of COVID-19 cases are being found.

The more than 2MM residents living in eight Sydney “hotspots” will now be forced to wear masks outdoors and must stay within 5 km (3 miles) of their homes at all times. These tighter restrictions are set to begin on Friday, and the NSW Police have requested 300 military personnel to help enforce the lockdown orders, whether that’s by handing out fines, or ensuring that those under the most restrictive quarantine orders don’t violate them.

“With an increase in enforcement activity over the coming week, I have now made a formal request to the prime minister for (Australian Defence Force) personnel to assist with that operation,” New South Wales Police Commissioner Mick Fuller said in an emailed statement.

The decision comes one day after Berejiklian extended the Sydney-area lockdown by another month (while allowing a few exceptions for construction workers and others to keep projects moving along). The restrictions are set to remain in effect for at least another one (or two, as Goldman and some other Wall Street strategists have posited) due to shortages of the Pfizer vaccine and other jabs. While most adults have been encouraged to get the AstraZeneca jab, reports about side effects involving potentially deadly blood clots have made many wary. MORE.

Emmanuel Macron takes legal action over Hitler poster comparison

Via The Guardian

Police speak with wealthy billboard operator who depicted French president as Nazi leader

Emmanuel Macron is taking legal action against a wealthy billboard operator who displayed posters depicting him as Adolf Hitler.

Lawyers for the French president are suing after the large images appeared in the Var in the south of France.

The posters, one of which appeared at the entrance to the Mediterranean town of Toulon – capital of the Var and home to an important naval base – showed Macron represented as the Nazi leader, with his toothbrush moustache, in full uniform and with the swastika armband altered to read LREM – La République En Marche – the president’s governing centre-right party. The accompanying slogan reads: “Obey. Get vaccinated.”

Michel-Ange Flori, who created and pasted the image on billboards, told the local newspaper he had been summoned by local police. “They confirmed that there had been a complaint from the Elysée,” Flori told Var-Matin. “I was surprised and shocked.”

He later tweeted: “In Macron-land, showing the Prophet’s rear is satire, making fun of Macron as a dictator is blasphemy,” referring to the satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo’s controversial caricatures of the Prophet Muhammed.

Corsican-born Flori, who owns about 400 advertising billboards in the Var region, has previously caused controversy with his posters. In 2019, at the height of the Gilets Jaunes movement he was fined €30,000 for an advertisement reading: “The police talk to you every day on BFM-TV”, referring to the frequent appearance of police officers on the popular rolling news station. MORE.

Be sure to stop by at Def-Con News to get the morning started off right.