Commentary: Sodom & Gomorrah: People Having Sex in San Fran Street Go Viral, But the Comments May Be Worse

A man who witnessed two people having sex on a San Francisco sidewalk was actually smeared as the bad guy for bringing attention to the incident on Twitter. This from

Kai Sparnas said he was driving to work when he spotted the pair having sex in the street. Sparnas’ Twitter profile says he is a father, and he is presumably a rational person, so naturally he was bothered by what he saw.

But the response to his story from the Twitter denizens was arguably even worse.

“San Francisco, Mission district, around noon on a weekday. Two people having sex on a sidewalk. I was debating if I should post this one or not. Here is why I did,” Sparnas began.

“I thought if this picture and story can convince someone in SF to at least start questioning the tolerance for [moral] wrong in our city, the horrific job our authorities and our elected officials do to make SF a safe place for children, then I should post it,” he explained.

“I was driving to the work site on Shotwell when on the corner of 15th, out of the corner of my eye I noticed bare human skin. I turned my head and saw these two doing it between the parked cars. I was shocked by the whole casualness of it,” Sparnas said.

Kai Sparnas encountered two people having sex on a San Francisco sidewalk.

The uncensored version of the above photo can be seen HERE.

Sparnas added that when he called the police, the dispatcher didn’t seem too concerned. No officer ever showed up, either.

He said he hung around for about 15 minutes until the duo went their separate ways — without facing any consequences. He also said he suspects that what he witnessed was a transaction wherein drugs were exchanged for sex.

As disturbing as this story is, it is hardly shocking, especially in the moral dump known as San Francisco.

In many cities public urination is not allowed, let alone public fornication. But those cities either have Republican mayors or have not been under democrat control nearly as long as San Francisco.

This is what happens to a place when leftists gain complete control. One-party rule has failed the people of San Francisco who would like their children to be able to walk down the sidewalk without being exposed to fornication.

As Kai Sparnas learned, this is also what happens to a society when progressives throw out old Christian morals and norms simply because they are old.

Bad story worse, the progressive liberals who are responsible for what San Francisco has become are not satisfied with just California. This is coming to the rest of America — unless we can recover what the left has worked so hard to destroy.

And deplorable patriots, we must stop voicing nonsense like: ‘Next voting cycle,’ or ‘Next year,’ or ‘Next anything.’ This filth, as well as all of the disgusting liberal progressivism, must be brought to a crashing halt soonest. And one piece of the puzzle required to make that fix happen is Conservative Republican leadership–top to bottom.