We knew Biden was going to be bad but I don’t think anyone was prepared for how awful he’d actually be. When he took office, he was gifted with a COVID-19 vaccine, a recovering economy, a secure nation and world peace. In just 6 short months of his presidency, he’s managed to ruin all of that and more. Normally it takes a democrat a couple of years to cause this kind of damage but Biden is a highly-motivated America destroyer.
Here’s 6 Biden f*ck ups in 6 months occupying the White House:
1 – COVID-19: Biden ran almost entirely on his unique ability to stop the COVID-19 pandemic, leaving out the part that he’d be doing it with the vaccine developed by Donald Trump. He promised us he’d kick corona’s ass in 100 days but here we are 6 months later and the only thing on the news is about the COVID-19 Delta variant ravaging the country. Biden is reimplementing mask mandates and another lockdown looms. If anything, COIVID-19 kicked Joe Biden’s boney ass.
2 – Gas Prices: Biden inherited an energy independent United States and promptly screwed that up by cancelling the Keystone XL Pipeline and restricting oil drilling leases. The price of gasoline is at the highest level since the last time a democrat was in the White House. It’s so bad that Biden is begging OPEC to pump more oil in hopes of bringing prices down. American oil companies could be pumping that oil, which would generate income and jobs, but Biden would rather get it from the jihad cartel.
3 – Inflation: Even during the height of the pandemic, consumer prices remained relatively stable. Now that Biden has declared victory over the virus and the economic downturn, inflation is driving up prices at an unprecedented rate. Producer’s prices rose 7.8% in July which is the fastest rise in U.S. history. Higher producer prices means higher consumer prices because for some reason companies never eat it on added costs. Biden said all of his economic policies were to help the working and middle classes but when shit gets more expensive it’s these people who feel it the most.
4 – Border Security: Biden also inherited the most secure U.S./Mexico border in American history and killed that the first day in office. Reversing all of President Trump’s immigration policies, Biden opened up the border and put out the welcome mat. The surge of illegal immigrants into this country is unprecedented and overwhelming. Dovetailing with his COIVID-19 f*ck up, the alien invaders are infected and being distributed to communities all over the country.
5 – World Peace: The Trump administration not only didn’t get us involved in any new global conflicts, they brokered historic Middle East peace deals. With Biden’s foreign policy, the Gaza Strip has erupted in violence. Biden also began pulling troops out of Afghanistan and now the Taliban is retaking the country faster than a wildfire. Biden actually has to redeploy troops to Kabul to help evacuate the American embassy.
6 – Rule of Law: One of the biggest fake complaints against Donald Trump was that he didn’t respect our institutions or the rule of law. He never came close to violating the Constitution and you know that’s true because if he did, the democrats would have impeached him for that too. Biden was also a critic of Trump’s “lawlessness” but just last week he directed the CDC to make a law that he knows is an unconstitutional breach of the separation of powers.
Jimmy Carter wasn’t even this bad and he was the previous worst president in modern history. Biden told Jimmy to hold his beer and f*cked this country up in 6 months. There’s a pandemic without end, a crumbling economy, an alien invasion, a world on fire, and Joe’s wiping his ass with the Constitution.
Not that I believe for a second that 82 million people voted for this assclown but of the people who actually did cast a ballot for Biden, how many have buyer’s remorse?