America in Chaos

Am I the only one that feels like events in America are rapidly spinning out of control?

If you’ve been thinking lately that everywhere you look, politically and economically speaking, chaos is mounting and nothing seems to be positioned on solid ground, this is because chaos IS mounting and nothing is positioned on solid ground. You’re not alone in that feeling. And I imagine most of America is experiencing relatively similar feelings of discomfort. The following is from

The feeling has been growing, worsening actually. Prevalent is the feeling that the nation has lost it’s way in the world and is simultaneously being pulled apart. People, except for perhaps the insane, self-destructive liberal opportunists, are not happy, not content with the state of affairs in America. And this, in large part, is because no one is in charge and we Americans can feel it, we know it. Oh, sure, there’s that nebulous Deep State that is calling the shots behind the giant screen, but no one, no one person, is in charge of the country.

The haphazard end to the Trump administration launched us into uncertainty. Mixed messaging on COVID, constantly changing goal posts and the closing of schools and businesses threw Americans into a spiral, not knowing where the end of the rope actually lay. Then came the election and with Big Tech censoring accurate information, many Americans weren’t getting the full picture and we could sense that. Even after the election finally wrapped up, there was no collective sigh of relief. Naturally conservatives were not pleased with the outcome, but as it turned out, neither were liberals. Instead of feeling relieved and ready to move on, they were angry that there are any people at all in the country who don’t want to vote for Democrats. There was no celebrating, just VERY IMPORTANT THINK PIECES on why conservatives exist and how we can stop them from existing and how we can prevent them from existing anymore at any point in the future.

You’d think that those who stole the election would at least be self-satisfied, but they can’t even muster enough energy to enjoy even a few days of false victory. Is it possible those of the democrat communist party have a conscience? Is it possible that their thievery bothers them, keeps them awake at night? No? I don’t think so either. But they seem to be in a rage which has continued unabated, through vaccines and mask mandates and political failure after political failure.

The Biden administration shut down the Keystone pipeline and has subsequently asked OPEC to increase oil production to ease skyrocketing gas costs. They printed trillions in paper money and we have watched inflation eat up what was left of the average American’s disposable income. They’ve illegally seized private property and businesses through what amounts to the “eminent domaining” of property through COVID restrictions; they’ve frozen the ability of private owners to sell, collect rent or evict delinquent tenants. In many places schools are still riding the razor’s edge between closures and staying operational and there are no guarantees that parents will have a full, in-person school year throughout the nation. An exorbitant and lengthy unemployment benefit has robbed businesses of personnel, causing some to close or limit hours.

Throughout it all, Biden, the masquerader-in-chief, has been barely present, calling early lids, disappearing to Camp David, handing over some of the biggest problems to surrogates for whom Americans did not vote.

Even to see him walk from Marine One to the White House fills one with a sense of unsureness. His frail gait does not instill confidence and when he stops to fuss at “friendly” reporters it only adds to the sense of confusion. Biden doesn’t even seem to be happy with the typical Democrat cheer squad in the media.

If it feels like chaos that’s because it IS chaos.

I have a theory on that chaotic feeling, that “collective energy” that seems to be pulsing through America right now. Biden’s “win” was not decisive. It is, in fact, still being audited in some corners. There are still plenty of Americans – on the left and the right, to be honest – who aren’t sure he really did win. It all adds up to the sense that we are standing on shifting ground with no anchors in site. Perhaps we could tolerate such electoral uncertainty were Biden a decisive and strong figure, but unfortunately he is neither.

So on our own we are left to piece together the puzzle of what is happening to America. And this leaves a lot of blank spaces to fill but because humans need patterns, we are not content to leave blank spaces.

That means a lot of Americans are filling in the blanks with their own theories, their own fears, their own ideas. There is no one person to look to for certainty, and that is perhaps the greatest job of any President. Biden has failed miserably on that front, either on purpose or because he simply has not the faculties left to at least project the image of strong leadership.

I encourage you, Do not doubt your senses. They are correct. We are living in chaos, a troubling time right now – ‘a body with no head, a ship with no captain.’

No one is in charge and the inmates seem to be running the asylum and everyone knows it.

*Here’s a great rant from Fox’s Steve Hilton on the current state of affairs. 

Now is the time patriot deplorables for us to confront adversity and to prepare to emerge beyond this challenge having grown and strengthened as a result of the struggle. There have been numerous trying times in the history of our great nation through which our knights have battled on and saved us from catastrophe with much of the populace none the wiser. We can hope and pray this is another of those times. However, lets also prepare for the worst case scenario we can imagine as well as other contingencies of lesser significance. Preparedness may ease the pain we experience and we can draw comfort from our work as we make ready for worse times.

God speed America.