Taliban Begin Confiscating Privately-Owned Firearms

Chapter One of The Authoritarian Regime’s Handbook is “Take the Guns, Stupid.” Hitler did it, Stalin did it, Pol Pot did it, and now the Taliban are doing it. Reports are that, just a day after taking over Afghanistan, the Taliban are confiscating all privately-owned firearms. While the U.S. military trained the fallen Afghan government, it sounds like the democratic party has been training the Taliban.

This report from Reuters gives a little clue as to why Joe Biden allowed the Taliban to take over Afghanistan, undoing 20 years of U.S. sacrifice in a little over a week:

If you truly want to rule with an iron fist and oppress the people, you’d be an idiot not to confiscate the guns. Nobody is going to challenge your authority with a sharpened stick or a sock with a padlock in it.

Is it a coincidence that the Taliban is doing to the Afghan people what the democratic party wants to do to the American people?

Speaking of confiscating weapons, the Afghan military laid down their arms and fled, so what other stuff did the Taliban get their hands on? Joe Biden bragged that the Afghan military was 300,000 soldiers strong and equipped with the best hardware American taxpayer money can buy. The illegitimate president also said they have an air force. Now that the Taliban has taken complete control of the country, they presumably have also taken control of all that weaponry.

Just don’t ask the Pentagon about this, because they don’t know:

I may not be some fancy-ass career bureaucrat with a chest full of merit badges but I have an answer to that question: No, the U.S. did not take any steps to prevent the Taliban from taking control of all the military hardware. They now have fighter jets, attack helicopters, armored vehicles, and missile systems. What Joe Biden did was arm the Taliban with billions of dollars of war weapons.

The U.S. spent 20 years fighting the Taliban, attempting to degrade and dismantle the terrorist group. They were a ragtag bunch of cave-dwelling kooks. In a matter of a week or so, Biden turned them into a well-equipped professional army.

With the Taliban confiscating privately-owned firearms, I’m starting to think this whole debacle was by design. The Taliban represents the kind of rule the democrats here in America dream of. They want permanent authoritarian power and a disarmed populace, too weak and frightened to challenge them.

Perhaps Biden and the democratic regime put in motion the Taliban takeover so they could study it to get some insight on how to make that happen in America.