Taliban Ready to Execute Gay Afghans, But Western Gay-Rights Groups Ignore the Threat

That LGBTQ group is a real strange crowd, right? I mean they’re a self-centered bunch who doesn’t really seem to be about gay rights world wide. And one of their big hindering setbacks is their queer political bias, particularly at a time when the political party they chose to disrespect in all actuality had been trying to assist them throughout the Trump presidency.

Within the last few days, as the Taliban consolidated its position in the Afghan capital, Taliban judge Gul Rahim has given his assurance, in an interview with Bild (Germany), that gays, under the new Taliban leadership, will be “crushed to death by toppling walls.” This from frontpagemag.com.

Under the headline “Taliban Plan to Crush Gay Men to Death as they Close in on Capturing Afghanistan,” the Gay Express reminded readers that during the years of Taliban rule (1996-2001), adulterers were executed, thieves subjected to amputation, girls over 10 denied schooling, movie theaters closed, Western TV and music banned, women forced into burkas, and men ordered to wear beards.

In what seems a strict violation of the unwritten rule of Western gay media, i.e., never to say anything positive about the U.S., and especially about Republican governments in the U.S., the Kiwi (New Zealand) website noted that “[w]hile homosexuality has always remained illegal in Afghanistan, laws making it punishable by death were repealed when the United States invaded in 2001.”

At Pink News (UK), the highlighted stories concerned the firing of a gay teacher by a Christian school in Sydney, Australia; a ban on Pride flags at another school in Newburg, Oregon; and the loss of a lawsuit by Hobby Lobby, a chain of arts-and-crafts stores, which had refused to let M-to-F transsexuals use its ladies’ rooms.

At the Advocate, the picture was much the same, with scream headlines about some C-list television actress who supposedly challenges stereotypes by being a lesbian Asian-American; about the teenage child of Enimem, who has come out as “genderfluid and bisexual”; and about a ruling by the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services that “gender affirmation surgery for legal minors” is “child abuse.”

Finally, at Gay Times (UK)the top news items were largely about celebrities you never heard of coming out as “queer,” which these days, of course, doesn’t necessarily mean gay. Or, for that matter, mean anything much at all. There was also a breaking story about allegations of lip-synching on a drag show on British TV.

Great journalism work there, boys, girls, and nonbinaries. 

Nor was there anything about gays in Afghanistan at the website of Human Rights Campaign, the nominal gay-rights organization–now basically a trans lobby–whose sleazy history of “whor[ing] itself out” to ClintonsObamas, and other democratic politicians was illuminatingly outlined by Daniel Greenfield in an article on August 12.

Of course all this silence on gays in Afghanistan is in perfect accord with the unwritten rules regarding crimethink in the year 2021. If somebody dares to suggest that, for example Rachel Levine, Biden’s transsexual assistant health secretary, isn’t the most womanly of women, it’s a story deserving of scare headlines about anti-queer bigotry in post-Trump America.

But if judges in Afghanistan are having walls constructed so that they can be dropped on gay men. Well, that’s their culture.

When President Trump put Ric Grenell, his acting director of intelligence, in charge of an exceedingly ambitious effort to decriminalize homosexuality around the world, the queer media and queer activist establishment heaped scorn on the initiative.

How could they do otherwise? To support Grenell’s work would have been to support Trump, whom they’d worked so hard to depict as a gay-hater. Or, rather, an LGBT-hater. The only real evidence for which was his unwillingness to cheer the idea of transsexuals in the military.

Also, Grenell frankly stated that the worst antigay laws are in Muslim countries. An inconvenient truth that belied the queer nomenklatura’s preposterous doctrine that gays and Muslims are allies in victimhood.

Raging about Trump’s border wall? Terrific. But criticizing Taliban judges who want to drop walls on gays? No way.

How dare Trump and Grenell, after centuries of Western imperialism, imply that they held any moral high ground in relation to the Muslim world! How dare they as male members of the white race –“the cancer of human society,” as Susan Sontag once called it — presume to issue behavioral diktats to people of color?

No, deep down these shallow, self-centered professional gays in the Western world couldn’t care less about what happens to their “brothers” in Afghanistan or anywhere else that they themselves aren’t likely to visit. And they’re not impressed by campaigns to help them. What impresses them are empty, patronizing pro-gay gestures of the kind that the Obama administration, and now the Biden people, have specialized in: flying Pride flags at embassies and lighting up the White House in rainbow colors.

It’s sad. These well-connected gays could’ve followed up the same-sex marriage victory by looking abroad–looking, in short, beyond their own self-interest–and using their influence to help those in Afghanistan to win at least a fraction of the right to pursue life as they themselves do.

But unlike Trump and Grenell, who are profoundly serious men, these are very silly people. In place of a moral compass, they have rainbow-flag Speedos and t-shirts bearing the Human Rights Campaign logo. And this summer, chances are that while they’re partying it up in Provincetown, Fire Island, and Miami Beach, walls will be falling–far, far away–on gay men in cities from Kabul to Kandahar to Herat to Mazar-i-Sharif.