Pandering only widens racial divide; new holiday historically inaccurate

Pandering to blacks has become big business in the United States, for both corporations and politicians. To gain even a modest understanding of the incredibly inordinate amount of attention that is being heaped on our African-American citizens, simply watch the commercials on television. It tells you a lot, especially when you understand that blacks constitute between twelve to thirteen percent of our total population.
At first I didn’t think too much about it. When Barry was in the White House, I figured the advertisers were making a calculated adjustment to the politics of the moment, recognizing Barry’s overall popularity more than the nation’s racial demographics. But even after Hussein left office, the number of black actors in commercials seemed to increase even more. At that point, my inquisitive nature compelled me to pay more attention. 
On one evening, I watched five straight commercials where every single actor–and there were multiple players in each ad–was black. I recently talked to some relatives–who are far from being racist (other than the fact that they’re white) and have a racially diverse immediate family–who told me that they counted eight straight commercials that were exclusively black. A couple of years ago they wouldn’t have even thought about such matters; now, thanks to race hustlers and angry, America-hating progressives, even previously apolitical and racially tolerant people are taking notice.
Browse through magazines or newspapers, go on the internet, log into your online banking service, look at billboards along the freeways, and you’ll see the same thing: Blacks are the primary focus. But assorted “people of color” are receiving increased notice as well. After all, we can’t discriminate against any group based on race…unless the group in question happens to be white, of course. Critical Race Theory is proof of that. So much for judging people by the “content of their character.” 
Another subject of note, that has taken pandering to a new level, is “Juneteenth” (June 19), also known as  Jubilee Day, Emancipation Day, Freedom Day and Black Independence Day. It commemorates the freeing of the last slaves in Texas, who were still in bondage until the end of the Civil War. Juneteenth was recognized as a national holiday when President Asterisk signed it into law on June 17, 2021. (I half expected Nancy Pelosi and her usual gang of stooges to solemnly march through the halls of Congress singing “Swing Low, Sweet Chariot,” but it didn’t happen. Must have been Pelosi’s mask mandate, which would have muffled their heartfelt choral effort.)
According to Wikipedia, freed slaves first celebrated “Jubilee Day” in Texas on June 19, 1866. The celebration spread to other states, increasing and decreasing in popularity as the decades went by. There was an apparent “revival” of Juneteenth in the late twentieth century, with many state legislatures recognizing it as a significant historical date, but not making it an official paid holiday. As of June 17, that is no longer the case. It’s now more important to our national psyche than George Washington’s Birthday, Abraham Lincoln’s Birthday, Pearl Harbor Day, D-Day, or a host of other important dates in our country’s history. 
So why do I say that making Juneteenth a national holiday is another form of pandering? After all, there’s no denying that slavery is a terrible mark on mankind’s history. But contrary to what students are taught in the brainwashing factories we call schools, the United States did not invent slavery, nor are blacks the only race that was ever enslaved. Far from it. Throughout history, virtually all races have been slaveowners, slave traders, slaves, or any combination of the three. From the Arabs to the Asians to the Africans to the Europeans, slavery was practiced for centuries as an acceptable form of commerce on every populated continent. Focusing on Juneteenth throws more fuel on the increasing inferno that the liberals have created regarding race. If we want to have a national holiday celebrating emancipation, why not make it January 1, the day President Lincoln, in 1863, delivered his Emancipation Proclamation? Plus, it would save taxpayers millions of dollars per year, as government employees are already getting paid for New Year’s Day.
But there’s another reason why making Juneteenth a national holiday is flat out wrong: It was not the final day that slaves in America were freed following the Civil War. It’s an historical fact that blacks were still in bondage until sometime in 1867, though the exact date is lost to history. In Getting Real About Reparations, eminent historian Roger D. McGrath explains: “The 13th Amendment, ratified during the fall of 1865, abolished slavery in the U.S. as a whole but not among the Five Civilized Tribes. Although the Indians were ‘under the protection of the United States,’ it was unclear how the Constitution applied to them. As a consequence, blacks remained as slaves in Indian Territory until July and August 1866 after the U.S. government had negotiated new treaties with the individual tribes that included specific clauses prohibiting slavery. Even then, some slaveholders among the Five Civilized Tribes didn’t comply until 1867.”

Ahhh! So “people of color”–Native Americans, no less–still held blacks in bondage following the conclusion of the Civil War…and up to two years after Juneteenth! Obviously, this is not something that Sheila Jackson Lee, Maxine “Nice Wig” Waters, Cori Bush, and other race hustlers want to hear about. If whites are to be blamed for all the evils in history, we certainly can’t label indigenous Americans as slaveowners…even if it’s true. (Many tribes practiced slavery for centuries–in both north and south America–following the conquest of weaker tribes. Another fact that’s not taught in today’s schools.)
The incessant focus by liberals on race and slavery only further widens the racial divide in this country, a gap that had been steadily narrowing as the country evolved. But, like everything else liberals touch, they screw it up…even a holiday designed to placate disaffected blacks.  Â