Laura Ingraham Asks the Question Everyone on Both Sides of the Aisle Wants Answered

Who’s minding the store? Is it someone on the “staff?” Or the Big Money donors? The CCP wouldn’t be making day-to-day decisions, would they? How about the First Lady?

Americans and the world deserve to know.

Laura Ingraham Asks the Question Everyone on Both Sides of the Aisle Wants Answered

It’s clearly not Joe Biden making the decisions. He likely doesn’t dress himself or wipe his own ass. And he’s certainly not allowed to decide whether or not he’s supposed to take questions from press and whom to call on, let alone what to do with the various major events taking place across the country and around the world.

Who’s calling the shots? The decisions being made since Biden took office are so bad, Ingraham’s speculations seem possible. Then again, they’re bad enough that if the CCP ended up being the puppetmasters, don’t be surprised.

We’re all asking this or similar questions, yes? Who is minding the store? Whoever it is IS NOT keeping the county and the world’s best interest in mind. In fact, it seems the diminishment of the United States of America is the intent.

What say you Def-Con News readers?