Nurse Blows The Lid Off The Pandemic Of The Unvaccinated Narrative

But the man on the TV said…

Democrats are calling COVID-19 the “Pandemic of the Unvaccinated.”  This from

They say this even though none of the vaccines fully prevent anyone from catching COVID, spreading COVID, or even dying from COVID.

ICU Nurse, Thirty three:

Just this past week about three fully vaccinated individuals, disease in quads left and right, DVT pulmonary embolism. I mean on blood thinners and this has ever since they got back vaccinated.

I had a 30 year old woman who started bleeding, basically hemorrhaging ever since she got injected, literally within the 48 hours. This poor woman is a mother of two. Like I said, 30 years old, and she was fully vaccinated and regrets it deeply.

This is a month ago and she is now intubated in critical condition fighting for her life, potentially about to leave her children motherless and of course, she regrets 1,000% being injected, and she acknowledges this. So did her physician.

So I don’t know why the lies continue. I see it every single day. This whole story about 90% unvaccinated cases.

No, I can tell you I’ve been in the front of the line for the last year and eight months, or however long it’s been. Too long.

And that is a complete lie. I have seen nothing but vaccinated individuals.

Unvaccinated as well but don’t believe the lies, don’t believe the media.

It’s all bullshit.

I’m unvaccinated and reading reports like this encourage me to remain unvaccinated.

What say you Def-Con News readers?
