Trump Nails It—Joining 9/11 Remembrance With The TRUTH About Where We Are IS The Right Tone

On the 20th anniversary of the terror attacks on 9/11/01, our 45th President of the United States released a new and important video. This from

Trump’s video memorializes the day by saying what must be said about how others fail to remember, failed to learn.

“September 11th represents great sorrow for our country,” he begins. Sorrow and anger are the only two appropriate words, and appropriate emotions, and Trump brought both to this video.

“Many things were displayed that day, including most importantly the bravery of our police, fire and first responders of every kind, the job they did was truly unbelievable” he says. “We love them and we thank them.”

Then he speaks of the men and women lost over the years and just in the last weeks in Afghanistan. It is an appropriate and timely criticism.


Click HERE for an INSPIRATIONAL message from The President.


“It should have been a year of victory and honor and strength. Instead, Joe Biden and his inept administration surrendered in defeat.”

That is exactly right. The fact that Biden’s fatal disaster was on the eve of this terrible anniversary is another attack on America. One that came from within. And those attacks from within are continuing.

President Trump is right to link the remembrance with the truth about Biden. Two things we must never forget are the attacks then, and the attacks now.

God speed to We the People. I have a dream that one day soon this mess clouding America will be turned around.