Friday Morning Breakfast For The Brain

Thank God it’s FRIDAY!

‘Science,’ They Said

By Victor Hanson Davis/American Greatness

Science is dying; superstition disguised as morality is returning. And we all will soon become poorer, angrier and more divided.

he scientific method used to govern much of popular American thinking.

In empirical fashion scientists advised us to examine evidence and data, and then by induction come to rational hypotheses. The enemies of “science” were politics, superstition, bias, and deduction.

Yet we are now returning to our version of medieval alchemy and astrology in rejecting a millennium of the scientific method.

Take the superstitions that now surround COVID-19.

We now know from data that a prior case of COVID offers immunity as robust as vaccination—if not better.

Why then are Joe Biden’s various proposed vaccination mandates ignoring that scientific fact? Dr. Anthony Fauci, when asked, seemed at a loss for words.

Is this yet another of the scientific community’s Platonic “noble lies,” as when last year Fauci assured the public there was no need for masks? He later claimed he had lied so that medical professionals would not run out of needed supplies.

Fauci also seemed to throw out all sorts of mythical percentages needed for herd immunity, apparently in an attempt to convince the public that it will never be safe until every American is protected from COVID by vaccination only.

And why was it that hard for the scientific community to postulate a likely origin of COVID-19?

Instead, some of the very scientists engaged in gain of function research oversaw an investigation with Chinese authorities. They all confirmed the predetermined conclusion that the virus likely had little to do with gain of function engineering. And they saw little proof it was birthed in the Wuhan virology lab.

Yet the preponderance of scientific opinion, emerging data and evidence, and basic logic have suggested just the opposite.

How can the government hector citizens that they have a moral duty and soon a legal obligation to be vaccinated, when it does not ask vaccinations of unvetted refugees flying in from Afghanistan?

How can the government medical community remain largely silent when an anticipated 2 million foreign nationals will cross illegally into the United States in the current fiscal year—almost none of whom are vaccinated or tested for active cases of COVID-19?

Where did this obsession originate that the media and government blame particular races for the delta variant outbreak on grounds that collectively they were insufficiently vaccinated?

And if we are to be so racially obsessed, why would not our government and health care officials simply follow their own data and science and urge the Latino and black communities to be vaccinated as quickly as possible? Data shows that both groups have a higher percentage of the unvaccinated than do the Asian and white populations.

Are woke political agendas discrediting science and losing public health?

We saw just that in early June 2020 when over 1,200 “health care professionals” signed a petition demanding exemptions from mandatory lockdowns and quarantines for Black Lives Matter protestors marching en masse. And they concocted medical excuses such as “vital to the national public health,” to insist that violating quarantines was less unhealthy than not pouring into the streets

Why did both candidate Joe Biden and his running mate Kamala Harris warn the American people on the eve of the vaccination rollouts that a Trump Administration inoculation could be unsafe—thereby at the very outset undermining confidence in mass vaccinations?

Why was the medical community largely silent about such dangerous sabotaging of a new vaccination, but months later became vociferous in warning the public that any prior doubts about the safety of these Operation Warp Speed vaccinations were scientifically misplaced? Was there a medical breakthrough on January 20, 2020 to alter their consensus?

When a Yale-licensed psychiatrist tele-diagnosed the former president of the United States in absentia as mentally ill and in need of an intervention, did medical professionals object to such a perversion of science and medical ethics?

If such pop diagnoses are the new Ivy-League medical norm, will they insist that Joe Biden take and pass the Montreal Cognitive Assessment in the fashion of Donald Trump? Or do the medical findings of competency depend on ideology? MORE.

Pure EVIL: FDA Purchased Baby Heads and Body Parts, Demanded “Fresh and Never Frozen”

Via The New American

China has been condemned for harvesting organs for profit. But it turns out that Beijing has nothing on our federal government, as records reveal that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration was purchasing babies’ heads and other body parts for its “humanized mice” project.

The gory details are found in hundreds of pages of records acquired under a Freedom of Information Act case brought by watchdog group Judicial Watch. Ghoulishly, the government even demanded that the body parts be “fresh and never frozen.” What’s more, a court has found that the FDA’s actions very well might have violated federal law.

As Judicial Watch reports, it announced Tuesday “that it received 198 pages of records and communications from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) involving ‘humanized mice’ research with human fetal heads, organs and tissue, including communications and contracts with human fetal tissue provider Advanced Bioscience Resources (ABR).”

Judicial Watch informs that while the initial ABR contract was for $12,000, the total estimated amount for the requisition was $60,000. As an example of the cold-hearted nature of these transactions, Judicial Watch mentions how a “January 1, 2013, ‘Fees for Services Schedule’ provided by ABR to the FDA includes”:

The FDA had initially withheld information such as the above via redaction; after Judicial Watch fought for its release, however, a federal court ordered the agency to comply.

“The court also found ‘there is reason to question’ whether the transactions violate federal law barring the sale of fetal organs,” Judicial Watch informs. “Documents previously uncovered in this lawsuit show that the federal government demanded the purchased fetal organs be ‘fresh and never frozen.’”

“Chopping up aborted human beings for their organs and tissue is a moral and legal outrage,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton, stating the obvious. “This issue should be front and center in any debate about America’s barbaric abortion industry.”


Researchers potty train cows in order to fight climate change

Via The Blaze

By now, everyone knows how deadly cow farts are.

In hyperventilating report after panic-mongering exposé, climate alarmists have attempted to scare the world into fearing for their lives and heading to their fainting couches over that threat bovine flatulence poses to life as we know it.

But did you know that cows’ piddle can be as bad as their toots?

True story — but according to researchers at the Research Institute for Farm Animal Biology, in Dummerstorf, Germany, there is a way to battle this cattle scourge, Radio New Zealand reported Tuesday:

Potty training.

What’s that now?

According to the New York Post, “[t]he ammonia in cow urine is a known greenhouse gas as it produces nitrous oxide when released into the soil.”

Some researchers believe that livestock farming is responsible for 10% of the world’s greenhouse gases, the paper said.

Researchers at the German research institute, including Lindsay Matthews and Douglas Elliffe had a bright idea: Get the cows to use the john. MORE.

General Milley Rides Through Streets Of Beijing Shouting ‘The Americans Are Coming!’

Via The Babylon Bee

BEIJING—General Mark Milley was heard last night riding through the streets of Beijing, desperately warning the Chinese with the clarion call, “The Americans are coming! The Americans are coming!!”

“Hey look, those Chinese generals are my buddies, they deserve fair warning—I’ve known them for ten years now, and they are always so nice to me. They were super supportive about that whole Afghanistan withdrawal thing—those friendships are more important than some job,” explained General Milley, America’s highest-ranking military officer.

“I mean—they aren’t close friends, we don’t get together for poker or anything. But we do sometimes exchange funny memes and nuclear codes. We also play that game ‘Battleship’, but I use the actual coordinates of the 7th fleet, which adds that element of realism which makes it more fun.”

Several members of the media, military and those with objective neurons in their brains saw the midnight ride differently, accusing the General of treason. While admitting that factually he totally committed treason, General Milley defended his actions as morally correct. “You all think this is so clear-cut, like there is some clear chain of command we are supposed to follow in the military. It’s not that simple,” said General Milley. “What if you had a commander who ordered an airstrike against terrorists who kept people in concentration camps, but that felt kind of rash to you? And what if those terrorists had just sent you a hilarious cat .gif? Put yourself in my shoes.”

“It sure is easy to cast stones from the peanut gallery out there. But someday, a President is going to come along that is angry, rash, incompetent, and borderline demented, and that President is going to make an enormous mess out of a military operation leading to the deaths of many Americans,” he said angrily. “Hopefully that day never comes.”

Check out all of the Bee’s takes on a world gone mad HERE.

Start your day off on the right foot at Def-Con News.