Christopher Wray Admits FBI Is Wasting Resources Tracking White Supremacist Domestic Terrorists

FBI head, Christopher Wray, testified before Congress today and said the the domestic terrorism caseloads have exploded this year. He further clarify that most of those cases involve white supremacist extremists. Granted, he didn’t say the FBI was investigating any crimes involving white supremacists, just that they were tracking these people.

From his first day in office, Joe Biden has declared war on white supremacy, AKA conservatives who oppose him. He has said they are worse than ISIS or al Qaeda and that they represent the biggest threat facing this country. His Attorney General, Merrick Garland, has also dubbed white conservatives as our biggest national security threat.

Now, the FBI, the most corrupt division of the Biden Justice Department, says they are wasting untold money and resources pursuing this fake threat.

“Since the spring of 2020, so for the past 16, 18 months or so, we have more than doubled our domestic terrorism caseload from about 1,000 to around 2,700 investigations, and we have surged personnel to match, more than doubling the number of people working that threat from the year before,” Wray testified.

Okay, so the FBI has pulled agents off of investigating actual crime to prioritize this nonexistent domestic terrorist threat, but there’s more:

“Certainly, the domestic terrorism caseload has exploded,” said Wray, adding that most of the cases they investigate are, “favoring white supremacy.”

But it’s not that they are investigating crimes committed by white supremacists as he admitted:

“We collect information about that threat. We have, as you say, prioritized that threat at a national threat priority level,” Wray said.

So they are just out there trolling and surveilling suspected white supremacists, hoping some crimes will jump out? Holy shit! What a complete waste of time and money.

You know that they aren’t investigating any real crimes because they haven’t made any arrests. And you know they haven’t made any arrests because a white supremacist crime ring or conspiracy bust would be big news for the liberal media. Have you heard anything about this on the fake news? Neither have I.

Actually, there was that plot to kidnap Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer, but almost everyone involved was an undercover FBI agent or an FBI informant, so that qualifies more as an FBI plot than a white supremacist plot.

Wray also hinted at some possible gun confiscation as part of the plan to stamp out white supremacist domestic terrorism:

“Today the greatest terrorist threat we face here in the U.S. is from what is in effect, lone actors. Because they act alone and move quickly from radicalization to action, often using easily obtainable weapons against soft targets, these attackers don’t leave a lot of dots for investigators to connect,” Wray said.

What attackers?

Also, it seems like Wray is asking Congress to grant the FBI the power to grab guns and arrest people who have committed no crimes. Nobody hates Constitutional rights more than the FBI.

While the FBI is wasting time and money going after phantom white supremacists, there is real crime all over this country they could be putting a dent in. Clearly their purpose isn’t to make this country safer but rather to purge society of people hostile to the Biden administration and the democratic party.