FOX News Reporter Trey Yingst: “Thousands” of U.S. Green Card Holders Were Stranded in Afghanistan by Joe Biden …(And Democrats Don’t Care)

America, behind democrat mis-leadership, unnecessarily fled Afghanistan, abandoning thousands of Americans and U.S. allies now stranded in-country. This from

The Regime, perhaps treasonously, forfeited $83 billion in military arms and state-of-the-art equipment to the enemy–the Taliban.

Worse yet, the democrats don’t seem to care.

Their fake news outlets are demonstrating an absence of integrity by failing to report the story.

Worse yet, they don’t seem to care either. They’ve moved on. Likewise abandoning Americans and U.S. allies–journalistic malpractice at a minimum; criminality possibly if pursued.

Democrats want to rewrite the American contract. They will not defend you. They will not rescue you. They will abandon you no matter what the predicament.

On Thursday FOX News reporter Trey Yingst reported from Kabul, Afghanistan. Trey has been in Kabul all week.

Trey reported that there were still “thousands” of US green card holders still stranded in Afghanistan.

Click HERE to view a short FOX News report.

What say you Def-Con News readers? If Republican mis-leadership had committed these treasonous acts, democrats would be screaming for investigations and impeachments. The Left Stream Media would be all over this. Instead crickets at best, obfuscation and denial at worst.