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Dictator Joe Biden Says 97-98% of Americans Must Get The Jab Before We Get Back To Normal  

Via Freedom First Network

Joe Biden made an absolutely insane claim about getting back to normal after COVID-19. He’s now saying that we have to get 97-98% of Americans vaccinated before normalcy can return in this country.

Historically, herd immunity was reached once approximately 70% of a community was immune to a virus. That would include those vaccinated and those with natural immunity. The problem is that the authoritarian dictator that runs this country doesn’t believe in science.

Ever since April 2020, I’ve been saying that the powers-that-be want to inject every man, woman and child with this “vaccine.” From the beginning, I’ve been saying that I don’t know what’s in there or why they want us all to have this foreign substance in our bodies, but they won’t stop until we’ve all taken it.

It very reminiscent of Revelation 13:16-18, which states:

“It causes all, both small and great, both rich and poor, both free and slave, to be marked on the right hand or the forehead, so that no one can buy or sell unless he has the mark, that is, the name of the beast or the number of its name. This calls for wisdom: let the one who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man, and his number is 666.”

We can see that with every decision the Democrats and elites make, it’s all pointing to this idea that you are not allowed to be a part of society unless you take The Jab. This is a dangerous precedent to establish, and is setting us up to be conditioned to take the actual Mark of the Beast, whenever that is implemented.

It’s been fascinating to watch the somersaults that the Elites jump through in order to justify this push to get everyone jabbed with this mRNA technology. They are ignoring science left and right, but claim to be the part of science.

To think that we must inject 98% of Americans with this mRNA Jab is insane. However, the question becomes: Why are they making this push for such a high number when the science shows we need a significantly lower rate to reach herd immunity?

First of all, it’s clear that they are desperate to get everyone injected. Is it because they are transhumanists that want our body connected to the internet and computers through 5G? Are they attempting to depopulate the world with a kill switch that can eliminate a third of the wold’s population? Or is it all just motivated by money and greed, and they know that they can make a killing if they keep getting everyone injected?

Either option you choose, there’s no happy ending. It’s clear that they will continue to increase their pressure. As we are seeing, more and more people are getting the Jab simply because of societal pressure. They want to get back to normal. They want to keep their jobs. They want to eat at a restaurant or travel the world.

People aren’t getting The Jab because it’s going to protect them. That’s not their primary motivation. The Left knows this, which is why they are implementing all of these conditions in order to “get your freedom back.”

Understand this: Joe Biden is signaling that we are not actually near the end of this tyranny. This is not going to stop anytime soon. We have a long, drawn out battle ahead of us. The pressure is only going to get worse. MORE.

A Horror Story About One of Soviet America’s Jan. 6 Political Prisoners

Via The New American

Call “it Oceania in 1984 or the Soviet Union in 1965. It doesn’t matter.”

“The one thing it isn’t anymore is America 1776.”

So laments one writer talking about the story of a political prisoner. It’s a story most Americans haven’t heard and some Americans wouldn’t believe. But it’s all too true — and what it portends for our nation is terrifying.

If the United States now may have political prisoners as did the Soviets, it’s then not surprising that it also has a Soviet-like media. Hence the mischaracterization of the January 6 trespassing incident, which we’ve known from the beginning was just that. No “Stop the Steal” protesters were charged with “insurrection” or “sedition,” precisely because authorities realize that such charges are fanciful. No firearms were seized from those entering the Capitol building (one pistol was found on an arrestee on Capitol grounds), nor any other weapons to the best of my knowledge. And the only person violently killed was an unarmed, 5’2” woman named Ashli Babbitt, shot by a cop with a history of incompetence.

What’s more, recently released video — which the DOJ attempted to keep from the public — shows the protesters milling around inside the Capitol building looking not like terrorists but tourists, literally. Why, you might even say it was an “impressive show of democracy in action.”

That is, if you were like House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.). After all, that’s what she said about the leftists who in February-March 2011 took over the Wisconsin Capitol building, the “longest continuous occupation of a major government building in the history of the United States.”

None of those Wisconsin “insurrectionists” ended up languishing in a cell as political prisoners. Nor did any of the actual insurrectionists who seized a Seattle neighborhood last year, cordoned it off and guarded it with weapons, and created CHAZ (the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone). Oh, it was a lame insurrection, admittedly, but the government’s tolerance of it resulted in two murders and four nonfatal shootings over CHAZ’s 24-day lifespan. But, hey, according to Seattle mayor Jenny Durkan, it was just a “Summer of Love.”

In contrast, there wasn’t much love for Thomas Caldwell, a Navy vet with 20 years’ service. The elderly Caldwell is accused of having plotted to attack the Capitol on January 6 “because he dared to communicate with the Oath Keepers about potentially providing security (a plan that fell through),” according to commentator Andrea Widburg. “Notably, he never entered the Capitol, nor did he commit any serious crime,” she continues.

Nonetheless, the veteran was the target of a pre-dawn raid as if he were Pablo Escobar reincarnated. American Greatness’s Julie Kelly related his plight on Thursday, writing:

Caldwell’s wife awakened him in a panic at 5:30 a.m. on January 19.

“The FBI is at the door and I’m not kidding,” Sharon Caldwell told her husband.

Caldwell, 66, clad only in his underwear, went to see what was happening outside his Virginia farm. “There was a full SWAT team, armored vehicles with a battering ram, and people screaming at me,” Caldwell told me during a lengthy phone interview on September 21. “People who looked like stormtroopers were pointing M4 weapons at me, covering me with red [laser] dots.”

Agents demanded that Caldwell, a former lieutenant commander in the U.S. Navy who suffers from debilitating service-related spinal injuries, come outside and lay down in the grass.

“Someone grabbed my legs and dragged me through the grass. They threw me face down on the hood of the car, kicked my legs apart, put a chain around my waist and put me in handcuffs.” Caldwell said he looked up to see Sharon, his wife of 22 years, dressed in her nightgown holding her hands up with a sock in either hand. She, too, was covered in red dots from the weapons aimed at her. Sharon, 61, begged to put on her socks before they forced her outside in the cold. “I said a prayer, ‘Father, please don’t let them kill my wife,’” Caldwell said through sobs.

Widburg points out that the hapless vet, like so many other January 6 protesters, later unwisely agreed to answer the FBI’s questions without a lawyer. MORE.

NYC Fast Resembling San Fran & Vancouver ‘Cities Of The Walking Dead’ As Junkies, Dealers Take Over Midtown Streets With Impunity

Via Zero Hedge

– A lengthy weekend exposé in The New York Post has chronicled how the outgoing de Blasio administration’s long turning a blind eye has allowed the Garment District and some midtown Manhattan streets to increasingly resemble the deteriorating zombie-like feel of the open drug use problem in places like San Francisco, or Vancouver in Canada. It also calls to mind the reputation of an open-air crime infested drug den and “fear city” that came to define daily life and commutes in the 1970s and 1980s – also following more than a year of the Covid-induced exodus of people moving out of the city.

“New York City has become the city of The Walking Dead,” a former NYPD detective, Michael Alcazar, who also teaches at the John Jay College of Criminal Justice, told The Post. The publication quoted neighbors and eyewitnesses who live near 35th and 36th streets, who say that busy sidewalks are now “littered with used needles, broken glass crack pipes, trash, urine, and feces” – and one can increasingly see junkies shooting up in broad daylight.

“I’ve personally seen dozens of deals go down. I’ve seen a person OD and nearly die,” one resident of the area said. And separately the aforementioned former detective Alcazar lamented, “This is a city problem. How has the city eroded this far so quickly?” And he concluded, “With lack of treatment and open use of drugs… The city has lost its focus.”

Businesses which form the heart of the neighborhood are all too aware of the downward slide and increasingly public safety danger, with Garment District Alliance President Barbara Blair cited as saying on their behalf, “We are appalled and disgusted by the drug use and other illicit behaviors that are taking place on our sidewalks in Midtown Manhattan and throughout New York City.”

The report actually went so far as to feature photographs of the sordid scenes it was documenting in action: drug deals and exchanges happening with impunity in the middle of the day, shirtless homeless men shooting meth on the sidewalk, police standing around checking their phones as if bored, residents and tourists walking past junkies sitting dazed in a trance-like state of oblivion. MORE.

Border Patrol Agents Accused Of Patrolling Border

Via The Babylon Bee

DEL RIO, TX—Americans are outraged after whistleblowers produced credible evidence that the U.S. Border Patrol has been patrolling the U.S. border and doing so with impunity for many years.

“How have we allowed our border to be patrolled unchecked for so long?” said AOC on her TikTok channel after viewing harrowing footage of agents on horseback doing their job. “Also, who cut off the horns of those unicorns and put saddles on them? It’s so inhumane! This is actual, literal fascism, people. Just like Hitler and slavery.”

She then donned her fancy white crying suit and wept in anguish.

CNN broke the story, which included disturbing footage shot by citizen journalists of border agents riding on large, scary mammalian creatures, up and down the border, as if they are trying to prevent people from entering the country illegally.

“Just horrific,” said CNN anchor Jake Tapper. “It’s hard to believe such a thing could happen in our country.”

Former President Obama also weighed in, saying: “This is…uh…not, who we are.”

The Border Patrol has apologized, saying the offending agents will be placed on unpaid leave immediately pending investigation. The rest of the officers will be tasked with handing out voter registrations and government food assistance cards to incoming Democrat voters.

Check out all of the Bee’s take on a world gone mad HERE.

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