Joe Biden Creepy-Whispers ‘Fox News’ In His Latest Weird Lie

For some reason Biden’s handlers haven’t put a stop to Joe’s bizarre habit of leaning into the mic and creepy-whispering things. It’s unsettling and it freaks people out. Biden’s approval rating is already in the crapper and being a complete weirdo ain’t going to help him dig out of that hole. In his latest lie, Biden creepy-whispered that Fox New has a vaccine mandate for its employees, which they don’t.

Biden was in Illinois on Thursday, trying to sell his unconstitutional vaccine mandate. At the 16:17 mark of the video Biden leaned into the mic and creepy-whispered “union, not labor” but he was just warming up the creep-machine. I got it cued up for y’all:

He was reeling off a list of private companies who require their employees to be vaccinated against COVID-19, when he went full-weirdo:

“Even, this I always get a kick out of, Fox News,” Biden whispered.

And then he did it again.

“Fox news requires vaccinations for all their employees,” whispered Biden.

Make it stop!

Biden thankfully did stop creepy-whispering and added, “Give me break. Fox News.”

What Biden was trying to do with that weird whispering episode was actually a dig at Fox News. He was alluding to the idea that Fox News is anti-vaxx and pushes false information about the COVID-19 vaccine but then hypocritically has a vaccine mandate for its employees.

Like all things that come out of Biden’s mouth, this was a lie. Fox News doesn’t require their employees to be vaccinated. Fox has their own vaccine passport for employees who have been vaccinated called “Fox Clear Pass.” This allows those vaccinate employees to go maskless at work and they don’t have to socially distance.

For the Fox employees who have chosen not get the vaccine, they must wear masks, socially distance, and get tested regularly. Not everyone at Fox News is vaccinated and nobody has been fired for being unvaccinated.

Joe Biden is a liar and a creepy whispering one at that. He’s also a mush-brain. He read this off of his notes earlier in the speech:

“I’m a capitalist, I think she be she beyo peesho go out be abe go out an make a lot of money,” Biden said.

I’m not sure Biden knows what capitalism is because that’s certainly not any principal of capitalism I’ve ever heard of.

In addition to being a creepy liar and a mush-brain, Biden is also a one man super-spreader event. During the entire speech, which lasted a mind-numbing 25 minutes, Biden repeatedly coughed into his hand. Once the speech was over, he went around shaking people’s hands with the same one he was coughing into. His selective mask-wearing regimen is bad enough, but the fact that he infected everyone with JOEVID-21 is just terrible.

One of two things is going on here. Either Biden thinks his creepy-whispering is an effective exclamation point on his nonsense and his handlers don’t have the heart to tell him it freaks people or or they told him and he can’t remember so he keeps doing it. I’m going with the second thing because his mind is gone and it his handlers work very hard to mitigate his embarrassing cognitive decline.