CIVIL DISOBEDIENCE: Unknown Person Flies Confederate Flag at Army Post in Germany

An “unknown individual” raised the Confederate Flag on a U.S. military installation in Germany on Monday, prompting widespread anger from an Armed Forces establishment devoted to “woke” objectives. This from

The flag was hung at the 2nd Cavalry Regiment headquarters of the Rose Barracks in Vilseck, Germany and was immediately removed after its discovery. Military officials are searching for the daring individual(s).

“The regiment takes this misconduct very seriously,” regiment spokesman Maj. John Ambelang said in a statement. “Should the culprit be identified, the command will take appropriate action after considering all the facts surrounding the incident.”

“This criminal behavior does not align with the Army’s values,” he added.

Ambelang may have a point. Today’s military senior leadership  is not about honoring American history or defending legitimate national security objectives. Instead, it is about promoting diversity, equality, and critical race theory at the expense of winning wars.

These are some harsh, damning words but many patriot veterans are disgusted with what they’ve observed their beloved branch of the United States military become since Obama sapped the testosterone out of the senior military leadership and installed many first class pussies.

Big League Politics has reported on the purge of the U.S. military of patriotic individuals as the illegitimate Biden coup regime reshapes American society:

“Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) called out the Biden regime and the military-industrial complex for their use of “cancel culture” in purging all conservative patriots from the military on Wednesday.

Gaetz appeared via Zoom before the House Committee on Armed Services, which was holding a hearing on alleged extremism in the military. He pulled no punches while blasting the dog-and-pony-show hearings as “total nonsense.”

“Today, the Chinese communist party is building aircraft carriers and jets that every member of this committee knows threaten to close or eliminate the capability gap. North Korea is perfecting the ability to strike the United States with nuclear weapons. Cartels are hunting the next trafficking routes, and here we are,” Gaetz said.

“Today, the House Armed Services Committee is engaged in a review of constitutionally-protected expression from our troops. How utterly weak of us. No wonder the Chinese communist party continues to gain ground,” he added.

Gaetz noted that the purpose of the hearing is “to gaslight the targeting of U.S. military patriots who do not share preapproved politics.”

“This is not about extremism. It’s not about white supremacy. It’s about woke supremacy. It’s about converting the military…into an institution controlled by the political left. Today, instead of working together, we are gathered having a hearing designed to tear us apart, to try and get us to view our fellow countrymen and women who protect us as somehow evil or dangerous or a cancer to be exercised,” Gaetz said.”

As seen by America’s pitiful failure and withdrawal from Afghanistan, the U.S. military is a joke.


Young patriots would be wiser to join or start a militia if they actually wanted to defend freedom, rather than jumping in the meat grinder of the military-industrial complex to bolster defense contractor profits by enlisting.

Again, some very harsh, damning words, however, the disgust is overpowering. The great fighting machine for which many of us have pride and reverence is all but a thing of the past. Massive changes are needed quickly or the United States will be unable to defend itself. And this likely is already the way we are—by design no less.