President Trump Sues the Corrupt Capitol Riot Committee and the National Archives—The Anti-American Democrats and RINOs are Out of Control

President Trump has sued the biased and corrupt US House Capital Riot Committee and the National Archives Committee that is currently harassing the President with a corrupt one-sided investigation.  This committee is not focused on the stolen November 3, 2020, Election, rather it focuses on the Deep State instigated Capitol protests on January 6th. This from

On January 6th numerous bad individuals, including Antifa, attacked the US Capitol and broke a few windows. But BLM and Antifa are protected by the Biden/Obama government while good Americans are jailed.

Today’s Department of In-Justice: On Same Day DOJ Hunts Down Grandma for Walking in US Capitol – They Announce They will Seal Records of Over 200 BLM and Antifa Criminals

Of course, after the event, BLM and Antifa goons were bragging about their efforts on January 6th.

IGNORED BY MEDIA AND FBI: Antifa-BLM Activists Are Posting Photos and Bragging Online About Storming US Capitol on Jan. 6

But these people won’t be investigated by the corrupt US House under Speaker Pelosi.  The man they’re after is President Trump because he stands between us and them.

Today President Trump sued the committee and the National Archives.

Lawyers for former President Donald Trump filed a lawsuit on Monday against the House select committee investigating the Capitol riot, asking a federal judge to stop the National Archives from handing over a raft of documents that President Joe Biden had greenlighted for release despite Trump’s claims of executive privilege.

The lawsuit, filed against the Democratic-led congressional committee and the National Archives itself, said Trump “files this action requesting that the Court invalidate the Committee’s requests and enjoin the Archivist from turning over the records in question.” It argues that “at a bare minimum, the Court should enjoin the Archivist from producing any potentially privileged records until President Trump is able to conduct a full privilege review of all of the requested materials.”

Perhaps this law suit and the ensuing court proceedings will bring the necessary attention to the stolen November 3, 2020, election, and counteract the undeservedly placed attention focused upon the Deep State’s Capitol protests of January 6th. The latter is obviously smoke and mirrors obfuscation to diminish attention from the prior.

However, there are further problems to consider: The U.S. justice system cannot be trusted to be fair and impartial. And even if such a decision were reached, the democrats seem to have achieved a pinnacle of authority that allows them to disregard the decisions they find pesky and troublesome.

Bottom line: We must not be lulled into any false sense of security.

The democrat party has morphed into a Stasi-like communist regime. Their anti-American actions are tearing our once-great nation apart. President Trump and good Americans are their targets.

I hope and pray bloodshed is not the answer, but I also am working my damnedest to prepare for as many worse-case scenarios as possible.

God speed President Trump.

And God speed to the powers of right and true.