Commentary: Democrats Are Hiding Mass Resistance To Vaccine Mandates With The “Striketober” Farce

What Americans, however, have been forced to deal with on a daily basis are the constant labor shortages across multiple sectors of the economy, as well as the growing supply chain disruptions, and stagflationary retail price hikes.

These are all serious concerns from which attempts are ongoing to divert our attention.

Striketober, like BLM, Antifa, and numerous other Marxist or Cultural Marxist movements was created from thin air by a combination of news hype and globalist foundation funding.

It’s important to first recognize that none of these leftist organizations would have ever been formed had it not been for the ample support from institutions like the George Soros’ Open Society Foundation and the Ford Foundation.


As…said many times in the past, all the evil people are on the side of the political left. All the billionaire elites and corporations they claim to hate are feeding them endless cash. Leftist labor strikes only exist because globalists want them to exist.


Of course, leftist strikes are actually a minimal problem. In fact…they are a deliberately fabricated theater meant to obscure the very REAL labor strikes among conservatives over the covid vaccine mandates.

These high profile strikes and walkouts are starting to eclipse media coverage of the true culprits behind the labor crisis—namely the Biden Regime and blue state governments enacting global mandates, vaccine controls, and covid stimulus.

The source of worker shortages, supply chain bottlenecks and a lot of our stagflationary issues can be traced directly back to the democrats’ covid restrictions and the covid welfare programs. Get rid of the restrictions, the mandates, and the covid checks and over a short period of time the crises will disappear. It really is that simple. However, democrats don’t want you to see it that way.

[Democrats are] well aware that these actions are destabilizing the labor market and I believe the goal is to destroy the small business sector specifically.

Small businesses cannot compete with corporations backed by trillions in central bank stimulus. They don’t have the resources to double wage rates for zero-skill workers or to offer large signing bonuses.

They also don’t have the resources to police their own employees and customers to ensure these people are complying with vaccine passports and booster shots.

Within a year the solid small business foundation of the US will be a hollow shell.

With the death of small businesses, all that will remain are international conglomerates that WILL enforce the mandates and threaten people with poverty and starvation if they refuse the vax. All other legal alternatives will be removed and that is exactly what the democrats want. Without defiant small businesses there would be nowhere left for you to work or shop without the vax passport.

However, don’t give up hope. As this process plays out the resistance is growing. And, of course, the resistance will not be given media attention.

The entire premise of Striketober and the rise of the “oppressed proletariat” is a farce, but there is a different kind of revolution brewing. 

The latest narrative represents something new in the agenda to derail the US economy.

From now on expect that if you walk out of a job or get fired from a job for non-compliance on the experimental covid vax you might be lumped in with a fake leftist movement and no one will mention the real reasons for your sacrifice.

So, they are attempting to co-opt the vaccine walkouts and rewrite history in real time by creating a fake workers movement through Striketober. And no, it will not end in October, the media will be promoting this idea from now on. That way the resistance becomes convoluted and confused and the mainstream media can say the great number of striking workers are actually on the side of the political left battling the “capitalist machine”, not conservatives and patriots on the side of truth and freedom.

And we are not supposed to know our numbers. By instituting a two tier society through vax mandates the establishment has made an error. They obviously assumed there would be far less rebellion against the passports. 

There are three things the covid authoritarians [democrats] are predominantly afraid of:

  1. Liberty groups recognizing their true numbers.

  2. Those same groups organizing at the local and state level across the country.

  3. And, losing the mainstream narrative that they are the “good guys” and that we are the “evil insurrectionists”.

Striketober is just another desperate attempt by the democrats to manage optics in the face of unexpected opposition.

Their efforts to terrorize people that refuse to become guinea pigs for a barely tested mRNA cocktail is backfiring.

Eventually, worker strikes due to forced vaccination will culminate in greater acts of rebellion against the democrat misleadership. And, with each escalation of resistance the establishment will labor to create new narratives to obscure what is really happening.