Fake News Alert: A Southwest Pilot Didn’t Tell Passengers ‘Let’s Go Brandon’

Thanks to the fake news, “F*ck Joe Biden” is now “Let’s Go Brandon.” Since they created it, the fake news figures they better use it as much as possible to their advantage. Over the weekend the latest outrage is that a Southwest Pilot said “Let’s Go Brandon” to the passengers. Like all good fake news, it gets lefty’s nads pumped up and is completely fake.

The F*ck Joe Biden/Let’s Go Brandon phenomenon is doing fine on its own, it doesn’t need any help but here’s AP reporter, Colleen Long pushing it along:

On Friday morning on a Southwest flight from Houston to Albuquerque, the pilot signed off his greeting over the public address system with the phrase, to audible gasps from some passengers.

This was written on October 30, which means that she’s claiming the LGB event happened on Friday October 29. This will be important very soon.

Long also tweeted about this, indicating that she personally heard this atrocity and that she tried to break into the cockpit, which is certifiably insane:

So far we just have one person who is clearly insane claiming a Southwest pilot said “Let’s Go Brandon” and she works for one of the fakest of the fake news outlets, so it already seems like bullshit.

Then Forbes stepped into defend Long with “proof” she didn’t make it up:

On a Friday-morning flight from Houston to Albuquerque, a Southwest Airlines pilot signed off an in-cabin announcement with the anti-Joe Biden meme, “Let’s Go, Brandon!”

On that flight happened to be Associated Press journalist Colleen Long, who included the incident in an article she wrote about the chant, noting that she heard “audible gasps” from passengers. A TikTok user on the same flight captured the audio of the pilot ending his message with “Thank you for flying Southwest Airlines. Welcome aboard. Let’s go, Brandon.”

And here is that TikTok video in a tweet:

The first problem here is that the audio cuts out at the end and it kind of sounds like the pilot said “Let’s go Braves.” It’s quite possible the pilot is an Atlanta Braves fan. They are doing quite well in the post-season.

The biggest problem however is that the tweet was posted on October 12 and the original TikTok video was posted on October 11. Remember, Colleen Long said this happened on October 29 so she’s either lying or completely full of shit. I guess she can be both.

An AP reporter did not hear a Southwest pilot tell passengers “Let’s Go Brandon” but that hasn’t stopped the fake news industry from being appalled:

NBC: Southwest pilot under investigation for allegedly using anti-Biden phrase

NPR: A Southwest pilot is under investigation for the divisive phrase ‘Let’s go, Brandon’

CNN: Southwest pilot reportedly used anti-Biden phrase over PA system

But nothing beats CNN analyst Asha Rangappa:

There is absolutely no fact-checking going on here because the lie supports the outrage the fake media has manufactured.

And you’ll excuse me if I don’t buy that these fake news clowns are genuinely offended by “Let’s Go Brandon.” These are the same assholes who spent 4 years promoting pink pussy hat wearing lunatics chanting “Impeach the Mother*cker” as heroes.