Day 2: FBI Sat On Bombshell Footage From Kyle Rittenhouse Shooting

Are prosecutors in Kyle Rittenhouse’s trial openly lying to the jury?

Video evidence suggests they are. Further, evidence may also suggest Rittenhouse should not have been charged—likewise we perhaps should not be reading about an apparent self-defense trial. Catch my drift?

On Tuesday, opening statements in the trial of Kyle Rittenhouse, an18-year-old aspiring police officer accused of fatally shooting two men and wounding a third on the night of Aug. 25, 2020, as BLM riots raged in the streets of Kenosha in response to a white-on-black police shooting, were heard. This from

The major takeaway from the trial of Rittenhouse so far has been that regardless of what one might think about a minor (he was 17 at the time) showing up at a riot to help guard private property with his AR-15, the teen appears to have been well within his rights to fire the weapon when he did.

Not to be overlooked, Rittenhouse was on a mission of community service. He had driven from his home in Illinois to help protect a local car dealership from the kind of senseless violence that had developed.

While prosecutors have slapped the teen with two counts of homicide and one count of attempted homicide. Rittenhouse has pleaded not guilty to all charges, claiming self-defense.

And new footage has emerged which bolsters his case.

“People are getting inured, and our job is to protect this business, and part of my job is also to help people. If there’s somebody hurt, I’m running into harm’s way. That’s why I have my rifle, because I need to protect myself obviously. But I also have my med kit,” Rittenhouse said in footage recorded before the incident.

During the course of the evening, protesters became increasingly violent against Rittenhouse and the group he was with—eventually chasing the teen down the street when protester Joseph Rosenbaum was shot dead in the parking lot of a used car dealership. Shortly thereafter, Rittenhouse could be seen defending himself on the ground from multiple attackers—when he fatally wounded another, and shot the bicep of protester Gaige Grosskreutz who had drawn a pistol and was in the process of aiming it at the teen.

Now, Human Events’ Jack Posobiec reveals that the FBI sat on potentially exonerating evidence in the Rittenhouse case, where threats against Kyle can clearly be heard before he opened fire, as well as what appear to be muzzle flashes from people shooting at the teen. We recommend playing full screen.

According to legal experts, Rittenhouse has a strong case.

Should Kyle Rittenhouse not have been charged? Should a wrecking ball be taken to the FBI? And to all of the justice system?

America’s justice system is in such disarray, there is sound rationale in the statement that it can never be fixed.

Well, it certainly won’t be fixed under democrat communist misleadership.

God speed to Kyle Rittenhouse.

And God speed to the powers of right and true.

Stay tuned. More to follow.