Liberals Think They’ve Busted Governor-Elect Glenn Youngkin In A Ralph ‘Coonman’ Northam-Style Racist Yearbook Photo (They Haven’t)

Shortly after getting elected as Governor of Virginia, democrat Ralph Northam was rocked by a racism scandal because a picture of him in either blackface or a KKK hood and robe emerged from his college yearbook. Okay, that was a joke, nobody cared because he’s a democrat. Those same democrats that didn’t care their guy was a racist are feigning outrage over a yearbook photo from Republican Governor-elect, Glenn Youngkin, showing him in a tuxedo. Racism is a weird thing on the left.

A group calling themselves Blue Virginia has blown the lid off of Republican Party racism with this fine piece of investigative reporting:

A recently-obtained copy of Glenn Youngkin’s prep school yearbook (Norfolk Academy, 1985) shows that his senior prom, entitled “An Oriental Occasion,” featured white students offensively dressed in “rice hats,” sandals and geisha robes serving their tuxedoed, all-white peers. Youngkin is pictured right next to these racist stereotypes.

Prepared to be shocked:

Youngkin is the guy in the tux at the top right. He’s not dressed as an “oriental” nor is he even in a picture with the people who are. When Blue Virginia says, “Youngkin is pictured right next to these racist stereotypes” what they really mean is his picture is pictured next to them.

The outrage here is that Youngkin wore a tux to his prom. Hell, I went to prom in Virginia 2 years after this and yes, I wore a tux. I guess that makes me and everyone who ever went to a prom racist-adjacent as well. I don’t recall what the theme was for my prom was but I do remember getting some afterwards.

This is so moronic it’s actually shocking. Blue Virginia doesn’t even try to say Youngkin was on the prom committee or had anything to do with the theme. Also, it should be noted that in 1985, cultural appropriation wasn’t a thing yet. It was still okay to dress up as other cultures without triggering a liberal shitfit.

Somehow this gets dumber, but then again liberals always find a way to make thing stupider. Blue Virginia accuses democrat loser Terry McAwful of dropping the ball on this non-racist high school yearbook photo:

McAuliffe’s and his campaign’s political malpractice has put a mealy-mouthed hack in the national conversation and jeopardized what so many people have worked so hard for. Youngkin is an amateur who has not been vetted. Since Democratic researchers chose not to do their jobs, what else is out there?

But wait, there’s even more idiocy. Blue Virginia reached out to McAwful to scold him:

After Jeff Thomas posted this story, I spoke with McAuliffe spokesperson Jake Rubenstein and he told me the McAuliffe campaign DID “vet” Youngkin’s yearbooks, but that for whatever reason(s), this story never appeared in the media, was never tweeted out, etc. As I said to Jake Rubenstein, I’m just completely baffled as to how this story didn’t come out during the campaign. Sure, it’s POSSIBLE it might not have made a difference in the election, but it COULD have…

Yeah, not pushing a picture of Glenn Youngkin in a tuxedo at his high school prom was totally the problem with Terry McAwful’s campaign. It had nothing to do with him being terrible or telling parents who are concerned with the children’s education to f*ck off.

The biggest piece of dipshittery here however is that Blue Virginia wants everyone to be outraged at Glenn Younkin when the current democrat in the state house, Ralph Northam, admitted to moonwalking in blackface, has the KKK/blackface yearbook pic, and was nicknamed “Coonman” and they didn’t care.