“This Is Cult $hit. This Information Is Not Based On Reality”–Joe Rogan on the Media’s Presentation of the Kyle Rittenhouse Case

Joe Rogan purports that the liberal media is a cult. “Their reporting is not based on reality,” he has stated. This from thegatewaypundit.com

And after reviewing the lists of crimes the individuals who were shot by Kyle Rittenhouse were charged with, and Big Media’s reporting of the case, Joe Rogan had this to say:

This is cult $hit. We’re in a cult. This information is not based on reality. This is a left-wing cult.

They are pumping stuff out and then they are confirming this belief. They are all getting together and they are ignoring contrary evidence.

They are ignoring any narrative that challenges their belief about what happened and they are not looking at it realistically.

They are only looking at it like you would if you were in a f**kin cult.

And disagreeing with Rogan is not possible. The Left Stream Media lies with impunity.

They report on lies as if they’re the truth (e.g., Russia Collusion) and the truth as if it was a lie (e.g., the 2020 fraudulent election), etc., etc., etc.

Also, individuals like Kyle Rittenhouse recurringly end up the victims of the Left Stream Media and nothing is done to stop them.

The First Amendment has long been terribly abused to the point of near destruction. Has the time not yet come for Supreme Court clarification of the First Amendment?

Yelling ‘Fire’ in a crowded theater is not a First Amendment right, of course. So why is reporting mistruths, partial truths, and direct egregious harmful lies allowed as a First Amendment right?

No. This misrepresentation and false reporting is not constitutional and must be addressed by The Supremes before it totally destroys this once-great nation.

Free Speech is not Free if it is False and if it is Malicious. We as individuals (and this includes large corporate entities) must not be free to abuse—with the power of the written or spoken word—anyone else’s constitutional rights.

Further, “Big Media” is colluding with the democrat party to effect a socialist form of big government in America—plain and simple, and obvious to even the most disconcerted like Joe Biden.

Individual freedom is not truly possible unless government has limits. The purpose of the United States Constitution is to limit the power of government.

Final note, two quotes:

“Most bad government has grown out of too much government.” –Thomas Jefferson

“Man is not free unless government is limited.” –Ronald Reagan