Biden Says Pelosi is The Finest Speaker In The History Of This Country

2 of the 3 top democrats, Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi, couldn’t form a complete sentence or a coherent thought if their lives depended on it. In related news, a guy who can’t speak very well says another bad speaker is the finest Speaker this country has ever known. Biden was probably talking about Pelosi’s role as Speaker of the House and even that is ridiculous given how much she sucks at it.

Remember how in every COVID-19 relief bill there were tens of millions of dollars for the Kennedy Center? It turns out that money was so democrats could gather and party with other rich liberal assholes. Over the weekend Joe Biden paid tribute to the Kennedy Center honorees and had a little love left over for Nancy Pelosi:

“It’s wonderful to see Speaker Pelosi,” said Biden.

He’s already lying because nobody can look at that busted face and feel anything but revulsion.

“I’m mildly prejudiced. I think she’s the finest Speaker the history of the country,” Biden said.

Presumably he meant she is the finest Speaker in the history of the country but as I already pointed out, speaking ain’t really Joe’s thing.

Also, is he serious? Pelosi’s reign of terror as Speaker of the House has been one of the most unproductive and disastrous in American political history. She passed Obamacare without reading it and has spent over a decade trying and failing to fix it. She has bitterly divided the Congress along party lines, creating a seemingly permanent state of deadlock.

As a leader of the democratic party, Pelosi lost the majority after only 2 years back in 2010 and is poised to do it again in 2022. She’s the finest at making people hate her and the democrats, but that’s probably not what Biden was getting at.

In all fairness, Biden may have meant that she’s the finest Speaker he can remember. Of course, he can’t remember if he’s wearing pants so chances are Pelosi is the only Speaker he can recall.

Biden started this otherwise non-factual statement off with a bit of truth when he said he’s mildly prejudiced. That’s actually putting it mildly because he is incredibly prejudiced. He was against school busing because he didn’t want brown kids going to school with his blonde children. He gave a loving eulogy at the funeral of a KKK Exalted Cyclops. Biden shouldn’t be selling himself short like that. He should take ownership of his deep-seated racial prejudice.

After rambling on about each of the Kennedy Center Honorees, Biden told this lie regarding Bette Midler and Joni Mitchell:

“You know, I won’t go into it but as I’ve been in and out of Afghanistan and Iraq over 27 times I think, going in these war zones, the Upinny Kunar Valley, and you hear your music being played by our service licky. For real,” said Biden.

For real? Our service licky play Bette Midler and Joni Mitchell songs in the Upinny Kunar Valley?

I’m going to call bullshit on that one. The earliest Biden could have gone to Iraq or Afghanistan was 1992 and there is not one service licky of that age who knows who Midler and Mitchell are or could give a shit about their awful music.

Hundreds of thousands of small businesses were destroyed by the COVID-19 lockdowns and the George Floyd riots but thankfully the Kennedy Center survived thanks to generous U.S. taxpayers. Without the Kennedy Center, where would liberal elites pat themselves on the back and kiss each other’s wealthy asses?