Liberals and Democrats Are Actively and Deliberately Destroying Our Nation’s Military

Our nation is being pulled down the drain by a cabal of blooming idiots. The following from

The cabal is bent on taking our nation in so many different destructive directions, conservatism is fully occupied with keeping a running list of what MUST BE fixed as quickly as the radical progressive liberal democrat communist assbackwardness can be dispatched.

In addition to the top issues with which Americans are concerned—inflation, violent crime, and illegal immigration—the ability to wage war in defense of our homeland is actively and deliberately being destroyed by the illegitimate occupiers of the power in D.C.

Consider, for example, Kamala’s recent theorizing about how United States Marines would just love to obtain her ignorant solar panel idea so they can go Green “in the civilian sense instead of the military way.”

Author and energy expert Alex Epstein first shared the video of Kamala’s ignorance in a tweet. (Note: This is an enjoyable watch. Hideous Kamala speaks and cackles for only the first 25 seconds.)

The utter devastation of [VP] Creepy Cackle came when Marine Corps veteran Jesse Kelly chimed in. It is such a devastating accounting of the depressing facts that the sheer ownage of Harris cannot really be enjoyed. The overall reality of the problem is far too depressing.

The rejoinder explains our inept and dangerous leadership—completely and concisely.

It’s easier to understand the communist when you think of him as a robot who can only respond with the software he’s been programmed…He can insult, change the subject, or lie. He cannot do anything else.

Again, as with every other aspect of American life, history, and power, liberals and democrats are actively and deliberately destroying our military.

It’s what they want, because the ultimate goal is the destruction of the United States.

The realization of that goal began in earnest with Marxist Obama and continues apace under Clueless Biden and Useless Dishrag Harris, the puppet pair executing the will of The Jihad Squad.

The mission of We the People is to stop them, stop their destruction, and salvage our military as a fully capable defensive and offensive warfighting force.

May God bless America.

And God speed to the powers of right and true.