“We Are In Different Times:” As Crime Continues to Surge, California Residents Resort to Leaving Their Cars Parked With the Trunk Open In Desperate Attempt To Deter Looters From Smashing The Windows – (VIDEO)

As democrat officials continue to allow looters to run wild and crime to skyrocket across the state, California residents have resorted to leaving their cars with the trunks open in a desperate attempt to deter criminals from smashing their windows as they look for valuables to steal. This from thegatewaypundit.com.

In addition to violent and other serious crimes, vehicle break-ins have been out of control throughout the state—particularly in large cities like San Francisco and Oakland.

The failure of public officials and law enforcement officers (who have been handcuffed by radical felon-first democrat policies) to enforce the law has led some people to empty out everything of value from their vehicle, unlock their doors, and leave the trunk open while they go about their business.

Residents have also resorted to putting up signs like “please don’t break the window, nothing valuable inside” or “please use the door” in their windows, but despite their best efforts, some end up having their windows smashed out anyway.


If you are thinking of leaving your car with the door or trunk open—even if you remove all of the valuables—don’t; it’s probably not the best idea.

Garrett Tom, the former San Francisco Police Deputy Chief, told ABC7 that he has never seen people leaving their vehicles like this throughout his 40-plus years of experience, adding that “there’s so much that can go wrong.”

Tom explains that going to such extreme lengths to avoid a break-in could result in even worse consequences than having to replace a window because you are essentially giving criminals unrestricted access to the vehicle—which could lead to the theft of other things than just loose valuables that were cleaned out of the car.

Tom told ABC7:

They could steal your batteries [or] your tires. They could go into your glove compartment and find out where you live.”

“It’s shocking. We are in different times.”

Necessity is the mother of invention, or so the proverb goes, but this does not adequately describe our current situation. Yes, leaving our vehicles unlocked and even open to preclude break-ins is a feasible short-term fix, however, violence has become endemic to American culture. And this problem, in whole, must be addressed.

Our current society—one of great suffering and injustice—is now more than ever before a truly dystopian environment.

An analogy to aid in grasping the magnitude of our problem, try to picture the encroachment of the Germanic hordes down onto the Roman peninsula and the eventual fall of Rome.

The Germanic encroachment was not an overnight process and was actually, in large part, the result of the failure by the Roman government to enforce its laws in conjunction with economic problems, government corruption, political instability, and the weakening of the Roman legions (military) that consequently resulted in the vast Roman territory dividing into several successor entities.

At best, this is what may become of the United States of America, if the errors listed directly above are not corrected. At worst, the harm to America and to the American people may know no limit.

May God bless America.

And God speed to the powers of right and true.