All Roads Lead to Mark Zuckerberg: Newest Liberal Group EOLDN Organized to Defend Shady Election Officials for Free has Zuckerberg Roots

All roads lead back to Mark Zuckerberg.

On Monday, December 13, several lawyers stepped forward to announce they were going to work for election officials in Wisconsin and represent them at no cost to diffuse the threats and voter fraud claims from the 2020 election. This from

The lawyers, led by Attorney David Becker, announced the formation of the Wisconsin Election Official Legal Defense Network (EOLDN).

In just three months since the formation of EOLDN in September hundreds of liberal attorneys have signed on to assist the group.

On Thursday Wisconsin Republican State Representatives released the following statement regarding Monday’s news conference.

The Republicans questioned the ethics and legality of the EOLDN providing free legal defense attorneys to election officials. The group also pointed out that this group is also tied to Zuckerberg money.

In 2005, an ethics complaint was filed against him for being partisan in a non-partisan role against Republicans as a trial lawyer in the Voting Section in the U.S. Department of Justice. He left that role shortly thereafter and became a senior staff attorney of the left-wing activist group People for the American Way in 2006, and became director of their campaign in 2007. Afterward, he became director of election initiatives at PEW Charitable Trusts and created the Electronic Registration and Information Center (ERIC), a national computer voter registration system in 2008 which currently shares voting data in 30 states.”

“We find it interesting and most concerning that this individual, who happens to be the founder of the ERIC system and the CEIR, would need to create EOLDN to offer pro-bono attorneys to defend election officials. We find it further concerning that Kevin Kennedy, former director of Wisconsin’s Government Accountability Board, who also led on the John Doe investigation against the Walker campaign, is also on the board of directors for CEIR.”

The Wisconsin Representatives concluded with this:

“It appears the press conference panel’s answer for those who question the integrity of an election influenced by Zuckerberg money, is to bring in more Zuckerberg money from CEIR and EOLDN to protect those who took Zuckerberg money from the CTCL.”

The stink of election fraud and funding impropriety is immense. The cover-up of the cover-up is being funded from on high. One hundred percent of America knows the 2020 elections were stolen and seventy-five percent will publicly acknowledge as much. However, the constitution disallows We the People to dispense with summary sentencing.

Despite what we read from those busily investigating the stolen elections, we can anticipate years of legal wrangling before, if ever, resolve is reached.

May God bless America.

And God speed to the powers of right and true.