Judge Hands Down Big Win to Gen. Flynn, Will Allow His Family to Sue CNN

CNN may have the opportunity to write another check for doing its job poorly, this time to relatives of President Trump’s former national security advisor Michael Flynn for labeling them followers of the QAnon conspiracy theory. This from thegatewaypundit.com.

You’ll recall CNN reportedly wrote a very large check to former Covington High School student Nicholas Sandmann last year after falsely claiming he had confronted and sought to belittle a Native American gentleman during a protest in Washington, D.C. It was actually that man who had approached and stood toe-to-toe with the teenager–choosing to belittle the teenager.

Sandmann was wearing a “Make America Great Again” hat, and the establishment media read into the encounter what it wanted to see. But when video of the incident started circulating, CNN, The Washington Post and other left-wing outlets had to backtrack.

Of course, CNN “news” coverage seems to go off the rails when it deals with any subject or person even remotely tied to President Trump.

According to U.S. District Judge Gregory Woods’ ruling, the network aired a report this year entitled “CNN Goes Inside A Gathering of QAnon Followers.”

“The report included a brief clip of Lieutenant General Michael Flynn proclaiming, ‘where we go one, we go all.’ Plaintiffs John P. (‘Jack’) and Leslie A. Flynn … are shown in the clip standing next to General Flynn,” wrote Woods, an appointee of former President Barack Obama.

Jack and Leslie stated in their suit against CNN that they are not followers of QAnon. They’re seeking $75 million in damages, saying the network’s reporting defamed them and put them in a false light.

Politico described QAnon as a “popular online conspiracy theory that claimed elites were sexually abusing children and that former President Donald Trump was planning to declare a national emergency to strike back at the shadowy figures engaged in the abuse.”

CNN tried to get the suit dismissed, pointing to tweets posted by Jack that the network’s attorneys said were consistent with the beliefs of QAnon followers.

The Flynns countered that Jack’s tweets showed that he “embraced the Constitution and equal justice under the law . . . not the dangerous, extremist, racist, anti-Semitic and violent beliefs espoused by QAnon” and that he has “denied basic tenets of the QAnon movement.”

As was the case with Sandmann, the Flynns said one of CNN’s major failures was not reaching out to them before publication. Further, they said the network had “no independent evidence to corroborate that [they] were followers or supporters of QAnon.”

More people must be willing to take on the behemoth of the main-stream fake news. Forcing media to become honest in their reporting will be impossible. However, We the People must be provided recurring reminders of the falsity and overall intent of Big Media.

Note: By 2008 six multinational corporations, and that number is becoming more fine-tuned, controlled almost everything the average American reads, sees, and hears. The internet has brought alternative news and information to a growing number of people but there are still tens of millions out there without a computer and/or who simply refuse to believe the alternatives.

These multinational corporations are aligned against Conservatism and against America as a Constitutional Republic.

National Socialism is the goal and the dream of those powers aligned against Conservatism and the powers of the New World Order are beyond our imaginations. Whether winning a Big Fight is possible or not, for the time being we must accept these small wins—like Nicholas Sandmann’s and perhaps soon Kyle Rittenhouse’s and the Flynns’.

May God bless America.

And God speed to Conservatism and the fight against Big Media and National Socialism.