Breaking: Former Democrat Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid WAS NOT The Devil, He Died

Patriots, men and women alike, charge your bladders. There soon will be a fresh grave on which we must piss—steadily and forcefully—until it is full of the urine of proud upstanding Americans.

Def-Con News readers remember this asshole, right?

Harry Reid died on Tuesday. He was 82.

This from

May the Devil and his cadre of demons harass his soul endlessly for all eternity.

Reid, among other dishonest shenanigans, was famous for lying about Mitt Romney’s taxes during the 2012 election and then later bragging about it.

Harry was a cutthroat democrat through and through. He solely earned for all democrats the moniker ‘despicable.’

Harry Reid Justifies Lying About Romney’s Taxes on Senate Floor: “He Didn’t Win, Did He?”

Chuck Schumer, another piece of work destined for Hell, made the announcement on Twitter.

Good riddance Harry, you lying f**ker.