Lawmaker: Joe Biden Reallocated $2 Million in COVID Testing Funds to House Illegals at the Border (VIDEO)

Ignored by the liberal media, New Yorkers are waiting in endless lines for hours in the cold to get their test kits so they can go back to work, school, or visit family because the Biden regime took the Covid relief money and sent it to house unvaccinated, untested illegals at the border. This from

They do this because they hate you — and because New Yorkers are dupes.

Rep. Jason Smith (R-MO) broke this report early yesterday on FOX News.

Rep. Jason Smith (R-MO): He [Joe} reallocated $2 million of money that should have gone towards COVID testing but instead sent it to house illegals at the border.


Via Midnight Rider:

Click HERE for FOX News cast with Rep. Jason Smith

Reallocation of funds—is this another Impeachment Offense? No. Besides, we have enough already to make it a cut-and-dry case.

But, yes, this does cause an inconvenience for many, slows the return of many to their return to work, etc., etc.

Some would even say that this is all part of the democrat-communist plan to “transform” America into a third world sh*thole.

May God please help We the People see a way out of this mess.

And God speed to the return of Conservatism.