Rep. Pramila Jayapal Blames Both Warm And Cold Weather On Climate Change

Democrats like universally applied loads of crap because they aren’t very nuanced and pretty lazy. It’s easier if everything is infrastructure or everything is racism. The same is true for global warming. Rep. Primila Jayapal has blamed both warm weather and cold weather on climate change.

In early December, it was unseasonably warm in Washington D.C. We used to call this phenomenon an “Indian Summer.” That’s probably a racist term at this point, but it’s certainly nothing that hasn’t happened before. To Jayapal however, it’s proof of a dying planet:

Then about a month later it dumped snow on the Washington D.C. area and guess what? Jayapal still thinks this proves global warming:

Hey, look at that. She managed to work infrastructure into her climate change garbage. These really are universally applied loads of crap. Too bad she didn’t put something about racism in there as well, she would have hit the trifecta of liberal bullshit in a single tweet. Come on, Pramila, the snow is white. That’s gotta be connected to white supremacy, right?

The fun thing here is that these tweets are are only a month apart. It was climate change that made things warm in December and climate change that made it snow in January. You see, global warming makes things unseasonable and seasonable at the same time. Where’s the tweet from Jayapal blaming Washington D.C. being at the average temperature on climate change?

And while we’re talking about it, climate change is a really dumb way to describe whatever the hell it’s supposed to describe. It used to be called global warming but too many liberals were using the term on severe winter weather and the public wasn’t buying it. They rebranded it as climate change but no climates are changing.

Washington D.C. has what’s known as a “humid subtropical climate.” This is marked by 4 district seasons with hot muggy summers and and cold snowy winters. The climate in Washington D.C. has not changed. It’s literally the same as it has ever been.

If calling a polar vortex “global warming’ is bad PR, claiming an unchanged climate is due to climate change is equally moronic. They obviously need a new term that everyone can get behind. If they are going for accuracy they could call it “same old same old” but democrats aren’t known for straight shooting and it doesn’t alarm people. I suggest they call it “Environmental F*ckery.”

Here’s the thing, I grew up in the Washington D.C. area. I remember getting an occasional “Indian summer” and we loved it as kids. Some years winters were fairly mild and others were a freakish arctic hellscape. This was way before Al Gore invented global warming in 2000 but the point is, what has been going on weather-wise in D.C. for the past month is what has been going on there for decades and centuries.