Woman Suing U.S. Army and Air Force After Being Told She Needed to Look More Feminine

A woman is suing the US Army and the Air Force after being told she needed to look more feminine for a human resources position for which she was hired. This from thegatewaypundit.com.

Tech Sgt. Kristin Kingrey said she does not like to wear jewelry or makeup and generally keeps her hair short.

The lawsuit claims that Cadle said her career would suffer if she did not comply.

“The suit claims Kingrey has been previously harassed over her appearance by colleagues and superiors, who spread rumors that she was going through a gender transition,” The Hill reports.

“Shortly after Cadle’s comments were made, Kingrey was told that funding had been pulled for the human resources job for which she had already been hired. However, the same position was soon reposted online, and another person was hired, according to the lawsuit.”

The Hill report adds that “Kingrey filed a discrimination complaint with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission in 2020, according to the lawsuit, and was soon after notified that she and two other women were being investigated by the National Guard for ‘fraternization,’ or socializing with people of a different rank,” which she believes was retaliation.

“This is about what they think a lesbian female should look like,” Kingrey told The Daily Beast. “It leaves me in such disbelief. They have made this my life. Whenever I discuss it I am at a loss for words.”

“I am fighting this case not just because what happened to me was blatantly wrong, but, most importantly, I truly hope positive change comes from my case and it prevents another individual having to walk this path, because it is a very long and dark path to walk,” she added.

The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission determined in 2020 that no discrimination had taken place.