Trump Calmly States the Obvious—Lindsey Graham ‘Is A RINO’

As a Republican U.S. Senator, Lindsey Graham is a fraud. This from

He’s the go-to guy for Joe Biden to get all his judicial picks shoved through. He rubber-stamps most of them and has even given the “okay” to Biden’s SCOTUS pick, and we don’t even know who the hell it is yet.

And his latest comments concerning the January 6th political prisoners are even more disgraceful.

When President Trump said he’d be open to giving pardons to January 6th political prisoners who deserve it, Graham clapped back and said that was a mistake and the prisoners should be punished.

This fraud Graham was performing well as a verbal whore peddling left-wing Jan. 6 talking points on network mass propaganda media. 

President Trump has responded to Lindsey and, despite the president’s calm demeanor, it’s apparent he fully comprehends Lindsey’s modus operandi just like the rest of Conservative America does and he is no longer willing to pretend otherwise.

He just doomed Lindsey with these three little words:

“He’s a RINO.”

And watch more—with disgust—below on Lindsey Graham:

Final thoughts, some questions: Who is providing the incentive for Lindsey Graham to perform this way—a turncoat? Is it George Soros? And, if so, at what price has Lindsey sold his ethical conduct—a one-time officer in the U.S. Air Force and Air Guard, remember?

Further, did President Trump “doom Lindsey” with these “three little words?” Is this the start of President Trump’s push to get Graham out of the U.S. Senate? And, if so, who could possibly be available in South Carolina awaiting President Trump’s backing?  Graham will not come due for re-election until 2026.

God speed President Trump.

And may God bless America.