GOP Too Mildly Responds to Pelosi for Running Top Cover for Chinese Communist Party

This is what our GOP does when they must put on a show for their constituency.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) has been given mild objection by the GOP after she blatantly ran top cover for the Chinese Communist Party.

The following in part from

Pelosi [forced a response by the GOP] after she warned U.S. athletes at the Olympic Games in Beijing not to “speak out” and “anger” China’s brutal regime.

However, many feel San Fran Nancy’s action to caution America’s athletes about speaking out against China is much too little much too late.

“I would say to our athletes: you are there to compete,” Pelosi said.

“Do not risk incurring the anger of the Chinese government because they are ruthless.”

“I know there is a temptation on the part of some to speak out while they are there; I respect that.

“But, I also worry about what the Chinese government might do to their reputations, to their families.”


Republicans then mildly responded to Pelosi over the un-American remarks.

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) said:

“Speaker Pelosi doesn’t want to upset the Chinese Communist Party,” McCarthy wrote.

“So, she’s warning US Olympians to stay silent about China’s atrocities.

“No surprise this comes right as Democrats are trying to jam through the 3,000-page ‘America Concedes Act’ that helps China but hurts America.”

“Why did Nancy Pelosi stand by as BLM protesters set fire to cities but tell American athletes to stop protesting China’s human rights violations?” said Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN).

Rep. Mike Rogers (R-AL) said:

“Hey, @SpeakerPelosi don’t tell American citizens to worry about upsetting the Chinese Communist Party’s fragile feelings.”

“Pelosi can bend the knee to China. But our American athletes have free speech rights and should never be told to surrender them,” wrote Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA).

Congressional candidate Willie J. Montague said:

“First Jen Psaki tells a private corporation to engage in censorship. Then Nancy Pelosi tells athletes in the Olympics to not speak out against China. Two blatant infractions against the First Amendment only days apart.

“They’re getting a little brazen here, don’t you think?”

“Speaker Pelosi said people ‘will do what they do’ when it came to protests and ripping statues down in our cities, yet won’t stand up for U.S. Olympic athletes speaking out against China,” wrote Rep. Richard Hudson (R-NC).

“We should ALWAYS have Americans’ backs over China.”

“Outrageous that the Speaker finds it necessary to ask American athletes not to acknowledge the CCP’s mass genocide of the Uyghur Muslims and their use of slave labor,” wrote Rep. Austin Scott (R-GA).

“Pelosi is a CCP bootlicker who deserves nothing but contempt,” said senatorial candidate Jake Bequette.

These words are all appropriate and needed to be said, but what is missing here?

Exactly. If Pelosi is concerned, as well she should be, about stirring up the CCP’s wrath, then why the hell is America even participating in an Olympic Games hosted by China?

And, more pointedly asked, why was China allowed to host this Olympic Games given their reputation for tyranny and human rights violations?

Obviously, the world has been caught flat footed pandering to China much like the world was caught flat footed pandering to Nazi Germany.

Again, this seems to be much too little much too late on America’s and Nutty Fran Nan’s part.

And likewise, the GOP response is much too little much too late.