DANGER ZONE: Biden’s Real Clear Politics Poll Average Drops Below 40 Percent For The First Time

Okay, okay, none of us like polls. But you gotta admit, the numbers for Joe-Joe are getting worse, if, of course, polls are to be believed and trusted. The following from thegatewaypundit.com.

Joe Biden’s poll numbers are still going down and he just crossed into dangerous polling territory for a pretendent.

Real Clear Politics tracks all of the major polls and averages them. Whether we believe and trust the polls or not, media and people in politics pay close attention to the poll average as a barometer of approval.

FOX News reports:

Biden approval rating drops below 40% for the first time in an average of major polls

Approval of President Biden’s performance in the White House continues to weaken as the administration works to deal with the Ukraine border conflict, rising inflation, the continuing COVID-19 pandemic and chaos at the Mexican border.

For the first time since taking office, Biden’s approval rating — based on an accumulation of polling data — fell below 40%. A Real Clear Politics average of all the most recent national surveys measuring Biden’s standing put the president’s approval at 39% and his disapproval at 54%.

Biden has also found himself at the center of a Russia-Ukraine border conflict in Europe. Last month, Biden predicted Russian President Vladimir Putin would advance into Ukraine, saying, “My guess is he will move in. He has to do something.”

Biden continues to take heat from Americans over rising gas prices, leading his own party to introduce a proposal to temporarily suspend the federal gas tax in order to help blunt the financial pain of surging prices at the pump.

See the chart below. This is just brutal.

People at the White House are paying close attention to this. You can take that to the bank.

This is like dancing the limbo. How low can Dementia Joe-Joe go?

Could this possibly mean the democrat-communists will soon initiate actions to have the pretendent removed? Afterall there has been a clamoring of Republicans calling for Joe-Joe to be plugged into a Cognitive Test machine, of which no doubt he will blow circuits.

Could there be a connection between the new low poll numbers and the democrat-communists fabricating rationale for removing Joe-Joe? To paraphrase Delmore Schwartz, an American poet, short-story writer, and sufferer of mental illness, ‘Just because the poll numbers are low does not mean they’re not out to get you, Joe-Joe.’

But if Joe-Joe is tucked away, will America then have to settle for….what do we officially call her?

These are uncertain times. And all of a sudden many of us are hoping for Joe-Joe to hold out until at least the second week of November 2022.

God speed President Trump. Will you be our answer?