Mark Levin gives EPIC address to truck drivers, argues what’s happening in Canada must happen here

This from

Click HERE for a short audio monologue.


Levin made sure to also thank the tow-truck drivers in Canada who’ve refused to participate in the government’s call to remove the trucks. He added the trucker convoy that’s happening in Canada will, should, and must happen here:

And I want to thank the tow-truck drivers all over the country, in Canada and the United States soon, who are not agreeing to remove the trucks. I want to thank you too. This is going to spread into the United States from Canada. It should. It must!

Now I’m going to be attacked, I’m going to be vilified. I DON’T CARE!

Thank you, Mark Levin, for saying what everyone of us are thinking. We all agree wholeheartedly.

Listen to the audio for much more.