WATCH: It’s the ‘Let’s Go Brandon’ Super Bowl Ad and It’s EXCELLENT

Impactful. That’s the word you see hip libs say all the time on social media.

It fits here. This ad hits you right in the chest with the reality of what’s going on in America, what The Regime (and Brandon) is doing to America.

This from

Senate candidate Dave McCormick’s decision to make and air this during the Super Bowl is less a campaign stunt that a public service, if you ask me.

Fox News reported on it yesterday morning:

Republican candidate for U.S. Senate in Pennsylvania Dave McCormick is running a “Let’s go Brandon” Super Bowl ad Sunday, highlighting the “self-inflicted” problems facing Biden and his [Regime].


Right to the point. Simple. Direct.

And correct. This is so much bigger than just Brandon.

Hey Pennsylvania Scoopers? Do check it out.

I’m not certain whether this add was allowed to aire during the Super Bowl, however, it is effective and will likely be shown many times more in Pennsylvania, if not elsewhere too.

Enjoy, Def-Con News readers, and Happy Monday, all.