Ex-Senator Warns Biden & Pelosi: Democrat Brand Is ‘Toxic’

A former democrat senator has issued a warning to House Speaker Drunk Pelosi (D-CA) and Pretendent Joe Biden that the democrat brand has become “toxic.”

This from slaynews.com.

Former Sen. Heidi Heitkamp of North Dakota admits that the democrat brand in rural areas is “so toxic” that any democrats that are left have given up trying to fight for the party.

Some still-loyal democrat voters say they have even removed bumper stickers and other political signage from public view that identify them as supporters of The Regime.

“The hatred for Democrats is just unbelievable,” said Democrat voter Tim Holohan, an accountant from rural Pennsylvania.

“I feel like we’re on the run.”

Heitkamp said: “Democrats have the House, they have the Senate, the [pretendency], but it’s an unstable majority.

By that, I mean, the narrowest kind, making it difficult to advance ideas and build coalitions.

And this inability to “advance” your crazy ideas is one of the positive items the Republicans have to report presently.

We’re letting Republicans use the language of the far left to define the Democratic Party, and we can’t do that.

“The trend lines in rural America are very, very bad.”

Now, the brand is so toxic that people who are democrats, the ones left, aren’t fighting for the party.

Retiring democrat Rep. Jim Cooper of Tennessee said earlier:

“It’s hard to sink lower than we are right now.

“You’re almost automatically a pariah in rural areas if you have a D after your name.”

The national democrats are well aware of the problem because their own polls show how unpopular they are.

From Politico:

Democrats’ own research shows that some battleground voters think the party is “preachy,” “judgmental” and “focused on culture wars,” according to documents obtained by POLITICO.

And the party’s House campaign arm had a stark warning for Democrats: Unless they more forcefully confront the GOP’s “alarmingly potent” culture war attacks, from critical race theory to defunding the police, they risk losing significant ground to Republicans in the midterms.

The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee is recommending a new strategy to endangered members and their teams, hoping to blunt the kinds of GOP attacks that nearly erased their majority last election and remain a huge risk ahead of November.

In presentations over the past two weeks, party officials and operatives used polling and focus group findings to argue Democrats can’t simply ignore the attacks, particularly when they’re playing at a disadvantage.

A generic ballot of swing districts from late January showed Democrats trailing Republicans by 4 points, according to the polling.

It wasn’t all bleak, though: The data showed that Democrats could mostly regain the ground lost to Republicans if they offered a strong rebuttal to the political hits.

The democrats’ “new strategy to endangered members and their team” can only involve lying, minimizing the truth, and hiding from their constituencies. They have no positive accomplishments to present.

The report that “Democrats [are] trailing Republicans by 4 points, according to the polling,” is an obvious fabrication.

Given what the democrat-communist cult has been forcing upon the people—CRT, Defund the Police, and Open Borders just for starters—the democrats haven’t seen a four-point swing in poll numbers in months.

And if the GOP leadership can be pulled up off their thumbs, the democrat-communists will never again be legally viable in America.

Regaining “ground lost to Republicans if they offered a strong rebuttal to the political hits,” is a pipe dream fabricated by a few pundits sitting around smoking crack—likely Hunter Biden’s associates.

Democrats fearing extinction may be a sign of that miracle We the People need to Take Back Our Country.

But our likelihood of success and our likelihood of maintaining long-term majorities in the U.S. House and Senate will not be possible with the current GOP leadership.

The efforts of these fools are contradictory to the needs and wants of We the People. They are sabotaging their spoken goals with inaction, they haven’t learned from their mistakes, and they are not committed to the necessary change simply because they are compromised.

We the People must ensure legal, fair, and unobstructed elections this coming Fall because our DOJ will not.

In fact, DOJ, FBI, CIA, NSC, IRS, and any other three-letter mini-empire currently operating in America have been corrupted and compromised. And one of the first orders of business for new Republican leadership must be to dissolve each and every one of them.

God speed to Conservatism.