FOOD FIGHT—2022 Style: Russia Bans Fertilizer Exports to Crush Global Markets and Hungary Bans All Grain Exports

Earlier this week Tucker Carlson invited Iowa Corn and soybean farmer Ben Riensche on his top-rated program to discuss the massive inflation we are about to see in food prices here at home.

This from the

According to Rienshe, grocery prices may increase up to $1,000 per month due to Russia’s sanctions on fertilizer.

“It’s embarrassing how little most people know about fertilizer, what it means, tell us the implications of this sanction?” Carlson asked.

“Soaring fertilizer prices are likely to spike food prices,” Riensche said. “If you’re upset that gas is up a dollar or two a gallon, wait until your grocery bill is up $1000 a month. And it may not manifest itself in terms of price, it could be quantity as well. Empty shelf syndrome must just be starting.”

“I’m sorry, I just wanted to make sure I heard you correctly. Up $1000 a month?” an incredulous Carlson asked.

Click HERE for 3:35-min clip on Russian fertilizer shortages and higher food prices.


Things are about to get real thanks to Joe-Joe Biden’s foreign policy failures.

Zero Hedge has more.

Just hours after we reported that Russia effectively banned exports of fertilizers, moments ago Hungary—one of Europe’s most grain rich nations—has circled the wagons and realizing which way the wind is blowing, just announced that it will be banning all grain exports effective immediately, in a statement .

Expect wheat prices, already at record highs, to promptly double from here in the next few weeks as the world realizes the extent of the global food crisis that is coming.

Def-Con News readers, this time as you hear people say, ‘Stock up’ you no-doubt should already be stocking up, particularly on food stuffs with an extended shelf life.

Final thought, I can’t help to wonder if Soros, the democrat-communist machine, and the main propaganda media ever imagined the extent and the speed with which their actions would bring America to its knees and the entire world as well. Damn them all to hell.