Democrats Admitting The Obvious: January 6th Committee Is All About The 2022 Midterms

The 2022 midterms are rapidly approaching, and the democrats have nothing positive to run on.

Further, their entire list of negatives would best be served-up by a Rodney Dangerfield impersonator performing an “I don’t get no respect,” two-hour-long tribute.

This from

They can’t run on the economy, the border, COVID, or foreign policy. What are they going to do? Run on January 6th.

The Federalist reported:

Democrats Admit Jan. 6 Committee Is All About Midterms

House Democrats prosecuting political dissidents in the form of the Select Committee on Jan. 6 admitted this week the show trial investigation is all about the November midterms.

The key passage follows:

Now the Jan. 6 Committee has become the Democrats’ new hoax, aimed not at probing the security failures at the Capitol but at smearing political dissidents in the run-up to midterms. Democrats admitted what was already obvious to The Washington Post on Friday.

“Their challenge: Making the public care deeply — and read hundreds of pages more — about an event that happened more than a year ago, and that many Americans feel they already understand,” the Post highlighted, followed by the passage below (emphasis ours):

They’ll attempt to do so this spring through public hearings, along with a potential interim report and a final report that will be published ahead of the November midterms — with the findings likely a key part of the Democrats midterm strategy.

They hope their recommendations to prevent another insurrection will be adopted, but also that their work will repel voters from Republicans who they say helped propel the attack.

The democrat-communists are without any strategy except demonizing the opposition as insurrectionists.

Democrats: “I don’t get no respect.” And that’s because you don’t deserve any respect.

Final thought, an observation, a wish, and a lament: America has had some truly great Speakers of the House and some less so great.

Nancy Pelosi, without a doubt, will go down in factual history as having been one of the most corrupt, most despicable, most underhanded Speakers ever. She has earned indictment, conviction, and execution for treason. Sadly, though, the emasculated Republicans won’t see it through.