GOP Calls Out Biden For “Deeply Troubling” Possibility of Using VA Doctors at Border for Expected Illegal Immigrant Surge

The Biden Regime’s Customs and Border Protection (CBP) is considering the idea of using Veterans Affairs doctors at the border in anticipation of a post-Title 42 illegal immigration surge.

This from

The [democrat-communists] consistently place value on illegal aliens over honorable veterans.

It seems to be more important to them to treat and examine illegal immigrants who should not even be entering our country than to take care of our veterans whose wait times are already excessive.

Thankfully, many House Republicans are attempting to pressure the CBP.

From Fox News:

More than 50 House Republicans Wednesday are pressing Customs and Border Protection (CBP) over the possibility it may use Veterans Affairs (VA) medical personnel to stem an expected migrant border surge.


The letter comes a little over a month before the May 23 end date for the Title 42 policy — a Trump-era public health order that allows for the expulsion of most migrants entering the U.S. because of COVID-19.

“On March 29, 2022, a CBP report indicated a surge of border crossings was imminent due to the rescinding of this authority. The report presents a dire situation that may result in as many as 18,000 possible encounters per day. If this number proves accurate, this could result in over 540,000 encounters in a single month,” the GOP letter, led by Rep. Jody Hice, (R-GA) said.

Currently, CBP does not have the facilities or manpower to handle the anticipated massive surge.

The letter goes on to condemn the potential usage of VA doctors at the borders due to the already excessive wait time for veterans to see their doctors, averaging at 22 days and reaching as high as 42.

And, additionally, to launch a scathing attack on Biden’s disgraceful open-border priorities and actions.

Biden’s failed open border policies are no excuse to funnel resources away from our veterans.

Our men and women who put their lives on the line to protect our liberties and our country’s sovereignty deserve the best resources for their health care needs, Hice said in a statement separate from the GOP letter.

The Biden [Regime] must provide the American people answers. Even the thought of abandoning our veterans’ care for the needs of illegal aliens is disgraceful.

Representative Jody Hice (R-GA)

Prioritizing illegals over veterans appears to be the path the Biden Regime is intent on taking.

By all appearances, this is an additional tentacle of destruction the democrat-communist regime has extended into Our Nation.

God speed to the efforts of Congressman Hice and others. May they succeed in standing in the way of this Biden Regime impropriety.

And may the American people remember this pandering to illegals well as an added disincentive to vote democrat-communist in November.

The democrat-communist party will certainly conduct election fraud, but 80 million votes is a near impossibility to create out of a mere thousands—family members and those on the dole—who truly vote for America’s demise.