Conservative Parents Sweep Texas School Board Elections on a Theme of Transparency, No Masks, and No CRT in the Classroom

Saturday, school board elections were held for four suburban Fort Worth, Texas, school districts. Candidates backed by a conservative parents’ organization won all 10 seats they contested and unseated at least three incumbents.

Usually, school board elections are low-key affairs that draw scant interest.

But ever since COVID, Critical Race Theory (CRT), and mainstreaming of sexual grooming in our classrooms brought the stupidity and cruelty of many school board members to public view, they have become a battleground.

Once sane people saw the horror show and bullsh** that was the Loudoun County, Virginia, school board, they started paying attention (ordinarily, I link to articles by colleagues, but in this case, there was so much excellent RedState coverage of the Loudoun County fascism that I’m giving a single link for all the coverage).

Saturday’s elections were just a continuation of the revolt over CRT that started last year.

Even though we all know it is only taught as an elective in law school and a total non-issue in school board elections, teaching children to observe racial stereotypes and judge classmates based on their skin color is deeply offensive to thinking people.

This election, like the one last year, teaches several lessons.

First, if normal parents organize, they are a formidable force. Too often, we parents are too caught up in our lives to pay much attention to school board candidates. If you care about your kids and the country, pay attention.

Lastly, school board elections are critical if we are to preserve our republic.

The late Andrew Breitbart was fond of saying “politics is downstream from culture” due to the conservative inclination to ignore the nutbaggery coming out of movie and recording studios.

He knew that attitudes and beliefs come from the cultural context and are set in place long before the average person becomes politically aware.

[We can argue] that “education” is also upstream from politics, and if you ignore both culture and education, you can’t pretend to be shocked when they force you to wear a face mask and social distance as they pack you into the boxcars heading for the camps.

This is what Fighting-Back-Against-the-Left looks like. Actually, this is only one element of fighting back and We the People will begin to see more Push Back by Conservative America.

We have been pushed back into corners for too long and MUST now answer the push.

God speed to Conservatism.

And may God and our hard work save America from the transformation of the democrat-communists.