WATCH: Dinesh D’Souza exposes backstory on how Tucker Carlson kept Catherine Engelbrecht from mentioning ‘2000 Mules’

Recently when Catherine Engelbrecht was on Tucker Carlson’s show, people were quick to note that her new movie with Dinesh D’Souza, ‘2000 Mules’, wasn’t even mentioned.

Yesterday Dinesh D’Souza revealed the backstory of how Tucker Carlson refused to allow Engelbrecht to mention the movie and more.

This from

Not only does Dinesh reveal how the movie was not to be mentioned on Tucker’s show, but also how Tucker’s producer sent him very abusive text messages after he refused to allow Carlson to use just the ‘middle’ portion of their trailer that would have omitted their names from it.

This is really egregious. It’s one thing to not want to mention ‘2000 Mules’ at all. Okay fine. But it’s wholly another to have the movie creator on and forbid her from mentioning the movie, especially when it’s coming out the next day. It’s even worse to ask to dissect the trailer and only use the portion that contains no names, and then to become abusive when you don’t get your way.

It’s like they want to play both sides of the fence, to appease their Fox News masters and their viewers who want them to talk about the movie.


Click HERE to view Dinesh D’Souza discuss FOX News’ actions.


FOX had fallen to the powers of the left—we knew that. And here is further proof. It’s hard to believe that Tucker Carlson is merely ‘controlled opposition’ but what further proof do we need?

Final thought: Katherine Engelbrecht, Dinesh D’Souza, and others are on to something. I don’t believe any of us can accurately predict where this will go. The avenues and the entities involved are much too numerous to pinpoint whether Conservatism will be successful and if it is the extent of the corruption which will be revealed.

God speed to 2000 Mules.

And God speed to Conservatism.