Lefty Kook Wants To Change Her Vagina Into An AR-15 So It Will Have Rights

Leftist love to make guns-to-vaginas comparisons to show how much their rights are being trampled and like everything the left does, these a stupid. One lefty took the stupid up to 11 by saying she wants to change her vagina into an AR-15 so it will have rights. And they wonder why no one takes them seriously.

Rachel Bitecofer is an alumnist of the Lincoln Project, which is a collection of sexual predators pretending to be “principled conservatives” working very hard to destroy Republicans and elect democrats. Let’s check out some of Bitecofer’s principled conservatism:

If her aim is to have more “rights” to get an abortion, this is a bad move. It’s illegal to kill a baby with an AR-15 but fine to do it with a vagina.

Bitecofer is wrong across the board here. AR-15s don’t have more rights than vaginas and in fact don’t have rights at all, as they are inanimate objects. Vaginas however are attached to women and women have all the rights every other person has in this free country.

Just to humor her though, let’s take a look at her vaginas rights versus AR-15 rights. 7 states and Washington D.C. have “assault weapons” bans while no no states ban vaginas. In fact, no states even have complete bans on abortions either.

There are background checks and fees required to get an AR-15 but not for vaginas. If you are convicted of a felony, you’re AR-15 will be taken away but even convicted serial killer Aileen Wournos was allowed to keep her vagina when she was sent to prison for murdering 7 mean. As a prostitute, she even used her vagina to lure these men to their deaths so it was essentially the murder weapon.

If your AR-15 breaks, ObamaCare won’t fix it for free but the Affordable Care Act has provisions for women’s health care and preventive care. If you want to shorten the barrel of your AR-15 it suddenly becomes an illegal weapon but women are free to chop up their genitals with “designer vagina” surgeries.

You can’t bring an AR-15 on an airplane, into a school, or courthouse. Vaginas are acceptable in all of these locations. The one area Bitecofer may have a beef with is that many states allow the open carry of AR-15s but open carry of vaginas is frowned upon in all 50 states.

There is one area where AR-15s and vaginas are on equal footing: If you point your AR-15 or vagina at a man’s face and demand money, he’s likely to comply. Both of these activities are illegal however so it doesn’t much matter. Then again, prostitution is legal in Nevada while armed robbery is illegal across the country, so the vagina wins this one.

I guess what I’m trying to say is there is no comparison between AR-15s and vaginas. Clearly vagina-ownership has the superior set of rights and privileges associated with it.

But hey, if liberals insist that guns and vaginas have to be equal, let’s do it. Allow guns everywhere vaginas are welcome and make them as just as unregulated.

Before we get out of here, let me refresh your memory on what Rachel Bitecofer looks like:

And finally, what’s the difference between an AR-15 and Rachel Bitecofer’s vagina? You could eat an AR-15 if you had to. Zing.