Democrat Steny Hoyer Says We Are At War With Russia

It takes an act of Congress to declare war and thankfully that means a majority. One democrat, Steny Hoyer to be specific, today declared war on Russia. As crazy as that sounds, the reason is even more insane: He says Republicans shouldn’t criticize Joe Biden because we are currently at war.

Here’s House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer daring Biden’s newly created Disinformation Governance Board to crack down on him:

“Mr. Speaker, It it unfortunate that in a time of war, we spend all the time blaming our own president,” said Hoyer. “Russia has no leverage over us.”

Mr. Speaker? Did Nancy Pelosi get a sex change operation? I honestly don’t know what she was before so I shouldn’t speculate what she is now.

Just so we understand the rules, according to Steny Hoyer, if the U.S. is at war, Republicans are not allowed to criticize Joe Biden. Since we are not currently at war with Russia or anybody else, that should mean Republicans are free to point out the cavalcade of failures that are Joe Biden’s illegitimate presidency.

Because democrats hate facts, Hoyer then doubled-down on the lie that we are at war:

“I wish we’d get off this and really focus on the enemy. I know there’s a lot of politics here but we’re at war,” Hoyer said.

It’s not a lot of politics, just a lot of bullshit. Technically, Hoyer’s bullshit is politics since he’s trying to shield Joe Biden from appropriate criticism for all of the things he’s f*cked up. The politics are however not coming from Republicans.

Steny Hoyer is the House Majority Leader, second in command to Nancy Pelosi, meaning he is one of the highest ranking members of the United States government. For him to stand on the House floor and declare that we are at war with Russia is an absolutely insane thing to do. Shit like this could potentially trigger a nuclear war.

If Trump had said something like that when he was President, democrats and their liberal media propagandists would cry for weeks that he was trying to ignite a nuclear war. Luckily democrats operate under a system of double-standards so nobody will accuse Hoyer of putting us on the edge of nuclear annihilation.

Steny Hoyer has proven what we’ve known about democrats all along: words are meaningless to them and everything they say is a lie. To borrow a line from Biden, “not a joke.” It’s not like they lie sometimes, everything they say is pure bullshit.

With that in mind, you can get a better understanding why Biden created his Disinformation Governance Board, AKA Ministry of Truth. Since they are incapable of telling the truth, they need to change the definition of truth by force of government.