Commentary: Wayne Allyn Root—I’ve Figured Out the Whole Covid Vaccine Scam—Here It Is—Read it and Weep

We are in the middle of the biggest scam and “get-rich-quick” Ponzi scheme in world history.

Some might call it mass murder on a grand scale.

This from

Open your eyes—see the remarkable number of famous actors, politicians and athletes who are dropping dead, or suffering heart attacks, strokes, blood clots, as well as dramatic increases in cancer. Is it coincidence?

Life insurance executives are reporting non-Covid deaths are up a staggering 40% across the USA—the largest increase ever seen.

Ask any funeral home director—business is booming like never before.

Something is very wrong. Yet no one is reporting it. No one is investigating. We’re not even allowed to ask questions for fear of being slandered, ostracized, or banned from social media.

This scam I’m talking about is not Covid-19. Covid is real- it’s a flu pandemic. This isn’t the first flu pandemic. It won’t be the last. As a matter of fact, many Americans are sick again with Covid.

This world-class scam is easy to see too.

Recall the response by government, Joe-Joe Biden, democrat politicians, Dr. Fauci, the CDC, and the media regarding the Covid vaccines.

Something is very wrong. Something has gone very bad. We are off the rails.

And the media and social media are involved in the biggest blackout, whitewash and cover-up in history.

First, Biden, Dr. Fauci, the CDC, FDA, democrat politicians and the media scare people to death—for a flu with mostly mild to moderate symptoms, with a 99.9% recovery rate.

They whip Americans into a frenzy. This turns Americans into paranoid hypochondriacs and hospital junkies.

If it bleeds, it leads.

The more death on the front page, or at the top of the news, the more papers they sell, the higher the ratings for the TV news. And of course, the more billions of dollars spent by Big Pharma on drug and vaccine ads as a “thank you” to the media.

This frightens and panics more Americans into taking the vaccine. And the more hysteria, panic and fear, the more Americans rush to the hospital ER.

From our taxpayer dollars:

Think how much money the hysteria, panic and fear porn, combined with vaccine mandates, have made each democrat politician that owns stock in publicly-traded hospital, healthcare, drug, and vaccine companies?

I haven’t even mentioned all the Americans experiencing heart attacks, strokes, blood clots and advanced cancer directly from the Covid vaccine itself. See the VAERS list. Literally hundreds of thousands of Americans have gotten sick, crippled, permanently disabled or died as a direct result of the Covid vaccine. That’s not my opinion, it’s all spelled out in the VAERS report (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System).

Incidentally, I have on my desktop literally hundreds of studies worldwide that prove the effectiveness of these therapeutics, if taken within the first few days of Covid. They work like a miracle, according to study after study. These same therapeutics literally wiped out Covid almost overnight in the slums of India.

But you’ve never heard about any of these studies, right?

That’s because none of them have ever been featured in the mainstream media. We have experienced a total media blackout of the drugs and vitamins that actually work against Covid—and they happen to be inexpensive too.

This same media claims over one million Americans died from Covid- yet they’ve blacked out, whitewashed and covered up the only therapeutics that work effectively.

And to top it off, at the exact same time, they refuse to cover all the deaths and injuries from the product they’re pushing- the vaccine- that clearly doesn’t work.

Now that we know this whole thing was over-blown and exaggerated to scare you to death…now that we know the vaccines don’t work as advertised (not even close)…now that we know the vaccines are actually dangerous and deadly…now that we know the lockdowns, mask mandates, school closures, business closures, and vaccine mandates accomplished literally nothing…and actually led to more illness, death, depression, addiction, suicide and destruction of our economy…

Why can’t anyone responsible for doing all this to us, just admit they were wrong?

It started out about greed. Everyone involved wanted to get rich quick. They saw Covid and the vaccine as a way to get filthy rich, unimaginably rich. Rich enough for the next ten generations of their families. “FU money” as they say. And they could pay for it all with OPM- “other people’s money.” They’d get government to pay the whole bill.

Many conservative media personalities throw around the term “depopulation scheme” to explain what’s happening with the vaccines. They use the term “mass murder.” As if everyone involved wanted to kill off half the world’s population.

And I do believe there were a few people at the very top of this scam, this pyramid scheme, who are pure evil.

This evil disaster was all about one thing: pure, unadulterated, greed. The almighty dollar.

More money to go around than anyone had ever seen in their lifetimes. Everyone’s eyes got as big as saucers.

And then they each drank the Kool-Aid.

They wanted to believe in the vaccines (and the masks, and the lockdowns, and the small business closures).

They wanted to believe they could “do good,” while getting filthy rich.

They wanted to believe the vaccines worked.

They wanted to believe they were saving lives.

They wanted to believe they were heroes.

They wanted desperately to believe anyone who called the vaccine dangerous or deadly was spreading “misinformation” and had to be stopped.

They convinced themselves they had to censor, ban, terminate anyone who disagreed, or dissented from “the company storyline.”

BUT NO! They are not mentally stable—perhaps a temporary psychosis—they are not to be trusted.

We the People will have a chance to stop this nonsense and to effect change come November 2022 and again in November 2024.

Honest elections are a MUST for us, otherwise:

We will become like Australia, or Austria, or China—locked up and locked down for long periods, until we close our businesses, or lose our jobs, and become poor and dependent on government handouts.

Not just poor and locked down, but forced to wear masks for life and forced to take a dangerous, deadly vaccine with government’s boot on our neck.

All for the profit of the few, the greedy, the insanely evil.

AND the control. We MUST NOT forget about their goal of controlling We the People.