MSNBC: AR-15 More Powerful Than M-16 And Can Disintegrate A Prairie Dog

Last week after NPR said an AR-15 can decapitate a person, I predicted liberals would escalate things and claim they could vaporize a deer. Whoopi Goldberg came close by saying an AR-15 can turn people to dust but MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough hit the animal thing head on with a claim that they can disintegrate prairie dogs. Additionally, the forehead master said that AR-15s are even more powerful than the weapons Marines carried in Vietnam.

Scarborough showed some clips of Republican lawmakers saying that AR-15s are useful for killing varmints like raccoons, feral hogs, and prairie dogs. Joe and his psychotic wife, Mika, were terribly offended by this:

“AR-15s? Weapons of war against prairie dogs? It would disintegrate a prairie dog,” said Scarborough.

No, it really wouldn’t but even if it did, who cares? People don’t hunt prairie dogs for food, they kill them because they are destructive pests. Even if you force-fed Diet Coke and Mentos to a prairie dog and hit it with a hallow-point, there’d still be plenty carcass left.

“Maybe they need land mines in South Dakota as well. Purchase those and watch the prairie dogs blow up. Wouldn’t that be fun?” Brzezinski said.

Brzezinski seems to be under the impression that ranchers and farmers kill prairie dogs out of the joy of watching them explode and not because they are burrowing nuisances that destroy crops and grazing land.

After both Brzezinski and Scarborough said really dumb things, Forehead Joe added this.

“It’s ridiculous and it’s unjustifiable. It’s all they have. They sound so stupid when they talk that way,” said Scarborough.

Speaking of sounding stupid:

“The thing that seems really just absolutely outrageous is you have these people, first of all, justifying the use of a weapon of war against varmints. Little kids are slaughtered in Sandy Hook. Little children are slaughtered in Uvalde. Shoppers are slaughtered in El Paso, Texas. Buffalo, New York, grocers are slaughtered again with the same weapon of choice over and over again, these mass shootings. High profile mass shootings. They use the same weapon of choice. And they’re saying ‘yeah, well, we have a constitutional right to have these guns to kill varmints and feral pigs,'” Scarborough said.

They actually do have a Constitutional right to kill feral pigs or any other lawful use of a firearm. The 2nd Amendment doesn’t put any conditions on gun ownership, it simply protects it. Anyone who can legally own a gun may do whatever legal activity they want with it, including killing varmints.

Since he was already making an ass of himself, Scarborough went double-cheeks and full-hole with this argument for raising the age of purchase for an AR-15:

“We don’t let them get a beer. They can’t get a PBR in Texas until they’re 21. But a deranged killer can walk into a gun store when he’s 18 and buy a weapon of war more powerful than the guns we gave our Marines in Vietnam?”

U.S. Marines in Vietnam were issued full-auto M-16 rifles, chambered for 5.56mm NATO rounds. The AR-15 is a semi-automatic rifle that fires .223 caliber rounds. While 5.56 and .223 are similar rounds, the 5.56 packs slightly more p.s.i. than the .223. The AR-15 is not more powerful than the M-16 and decidedly less powerful when it comes to rate of fire.

To sum up: Joe Scarborough said Republicans are stupid for killing varmints with AR-15s and then proceeded to claim AR-15s can disintegrate prairie dogs, are more powerful than M-16s and not protected by the Constitution for lawful usage.

You’d think a guy with such a large forehead would have at least a decent sized brain, but Scarborough is an idiot savant without the savant part.